
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits


Welcome to the Ladybrook PTA! 


The PTA is an integral part of our school community and over the years has raised much needed funds to ensure Ladybrook is a well-resourced school, beyond that which the school budget offers.


All families are automatically part of the PTA when they join our school and we arrange lots of fun events throughout the year for children and adults alike.


As a registered charity the PTA has a number of trustees who are responsible for ensuring that the PTA is doing what it was set up to do and that the funds raised are spent in the school’s best interest. 


Along with the trustees, the fundraising is run with the help and collaboration of class representatives.  Each class has been allocated the following key events to run throughout the year, but if you have any other ideas for events or would like to run one yourself please contact your class rep:


Reception – Mother’s and Father’s Day gifts

Year 1 – Infant Discos

Year 2 – Summer Fair

Year 3 – Movie Nights

Year 4 – Christmas Fair

Year 5 – Junior Discos

Year 6 – Quiz night & AGM

(*Please note, we need help from parents across ALL classes for these events.)


If you would like to find out more about who we are and what we do please see our leaflet below.


We are always interested to hear what parents think, so if you have any questions, feedback or ideas, or just want to get in touch you can…..


Email us at

Visit our ‘Ladybrook PTA’ page on Facebook

Or speak to your nominated class rep or any of your PTA trustees

Thank you very much for your continued support!

(Reg. Charity No: 1154909)

