
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Maths Mastery Approach

At Ladybrook Primary School, we follow the Maths Mastery approach to teaching the subject, in the belief that deep and sustainable mathematical learning is achievable for all. This approach enables children to reason about concepts and to make connections while building on previous learning.

The Maths Mastery Approach has a clear rationale: to be competent mathematicians, children need to develop the three forms of knowledge:


Factual - I know that...

Procedural - I know how...

Conceptual - I know why...


Our Calculation Policy reflects our CPA approach: concrete, pictorial and abstract.

Concrete - hands on using real objects

Pictorial - representations such as a diagram or picture of the problem

Abstract - the symbolic stage using mathematical notation


In addition to our online maths scheme. we use Mathletics which is an online maths resource used across the whole school. It is also accessible from home through a school login. Mathletics trophies are used to celebrate children's achievements.


To improve the rate at which children acquire instant recall of number bonds and times tables, we use Numbots which test mental arithmetic of number bonds and Times Tables Rockstars, which test times tables acquisition with a focus on instant recall.


Each term parents will receive a class curriculum newsletter containing information about the Maths their child will be working on.
