
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Year 6 2019-2020

Welcome to our Year 6 page.

During the year, we will add aspects of our learning that we think you might find interesting. The newest things will always be near to the top of the page but feel free to scroll down and see what has happened earlier in the year!

During school closure, your learning tasks will be in each sub-folder below. However, there are some things that you should be doing every day as well - we won't be telling you to do these every day because we know that you are awesome enough just to get on with them daily!

The daily tasks that you should be doing are:

reading and discussing

practising spellings

practising times tables

If you haven't already done so, why not check out our Year 6 Leavers' Video in the video resource centre!
Here is one of our home learning tasks completed. Year 6 are working hard at home with their grown ups. We love seeing your learning! 


This week has been a great week! Year 5 and 6 have paired up to work together to grow our minds about diversity and what this means. We have investigated and explored vocabulary such 'bias', 'stereotypes', equality', 'equity', 'inclusion'. Once we knew the meanings of these words we were able to explore where in society we see these things.

We have experienced a variety of learning tasks that allowed us to explore our visible and invisible similarities and differences; to celebrate our differences; to understand that we don't all have to be the same and its okay to follow our own path - reading the book 'How to be a Lion' by Ed Vere helped us to understand this and we wrote our own versions - we definitely don't all have to have the same roar! 

We studied the graffiti art of Banksy and his messages about the world before designing out own art in his style to pass on positive messages about diversity. Kandinsky's circles allowed us to share who we are - the colours in our circles all have a hidden meaning!

The poem 'People Equal' by J.Berry and writing our own versions helped us to think about different personalities and how one trait isn't better than another - we're just different. 

Our #Great Together videos really celebrate who we are - and we really are GREAT TOGETHER! Check them out on our 'Video Resource Page'

SATs meeting

Many thanks to those parents / carers who came to our meeting about SATs. We hope that you found it useful. For those of you you were unable to attend, please find the resources below. If you have any questions, please pop in and see us. 

Road Safety

On Monday, we experienced a Road Safety morning. We worked with Ian from the Stockport team and learned about all of the things that can be a distraction to drivers - including us when we are out and about or when we are passengers in a car. We learned about thinking time and stopping distances and what this might mean to us as pedestrians. We walked to Bramhall Lane South and used speed guns to register the speed of drivers. After collecting sufficient data, we returned to school to calculate the mean averages of the drivers on this road. From this we were able to calculate the thinking time required to stop and the actual stopping distances. We went outside to measure these distances - and we were surprised at how far they were. We learned a lot during this morning!

Ye Ha!

Well done to Year 6 who have performed brilliantly in our production of 'Ye Ha'. It was a joy to work with this enthusiastic group of children. They worked hard to learn their lines, showed great teamwork supporting each other, took advice and acted upon it, learned to project their voices, mastered comedy timing, showed commitment attending after school rehearsals ... and still managed to keep up with their other learning! Wow! 

We are authors!

We have thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpurgo. In it, a young boy finds himself stranded on a desert island. We wondered what living on a desert island would be like. Then we wondered what holidaying on one would be like! We analysed examples of persuasive writing and, in groups, devised our own 'WMaG Piece of Persuasive Writing' checklist. We remembered learning from other year groups and also added additional features such as the passive voice - as we are now in Year 6! This checklist helped us to plan and write an entry for the 'Ladybrook Travel Agents'  holiday brochure to persuade those looking for a luxurious holiday to visit 'Kensuke's Paradise Island'.

We also thought people visiting an island might want to know some facts about islands. In Physical geography, we learned all about islands - the different types, how they are formed, where in the world different types of island can be found and so on. In literacy, we followed the same analysis procedure discussed above for non-chronological reports and then wrote our own titled 'What is an island?'.  Due to the theme, we discovered that within our non-chronological reports we also had elements of explanations! Multi-tasking! 

Two pieces of our writing - drafted, edited and published

Christmas Cakes

As part of our maths and Design Technology, we decided to get festive! In food technology, we made Christmas Cakes. During this learning, we were able to practise reading scales of differing intervals which we need to be able to do in maths. We also investigated 3D shapes and nets in maths and then used this knowledge to design packaging in DT. Our packaging would be to hold our Christmas cakes. 

Baking ... so many skills required!

Year 6's amazing two minute talks.

This term everyone has prepared and delivered a presentation to the whole class lasting for two minutes on a subject of their choice.  We have discovered amazing talents - ranging from gymnastics and go-cart racing to painting and baking. Some of our children have travelled to different parts of the world. Some chose to share their information with photographs and drawings, others chose to give a PowerPoint presentation, others brought in equipment connected to their subject. Well done to everyone! We really have a very talented class.

Staying Safe

We had a visit from our local firefighters to remind Year 6 about safety issues related to fireworks and fires.  Some children were invited to do a bit of modelling!

