
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 6 Virtual Learning Week beginning 11.05.2020

Friday 15th May

Well, it's Friday already and the sun has shined quite a lot this week.  SATs week went quite well didn't it.  It's the best one we've had for many years - only joking! 


Mrs Woosnam and I had a busy day in school yesterday - helping children learn, creating some art, chatting, watering plants and enjoying the sunshine. At least I did, poor Mrs W was stuck in the office working. I have been blown away with the awesome Mandalas that you have created so far.  I'm really looking forward to the ones that are due in today. I hope you found it quite a peaceful and therapeutic task.



Today's task is finishing off your mega mathletics booklet.  We have put the answers in Classroom for you to check through. Please do this carefully because it is an important part of your learning to find out where you are confident and where you perhaps need some more practice.



You need to finish your research into the Human Life Cycle and hand in your work today.  Make sure that you watch the Bitesize clip first - this explains the different stages.  The other two pieces of information give you more details that you can add to your explanation.  Full instructions are on Classroom. Make sure that your writing is the same quality that you use in your literacy books.



Take you pick from a bit of boxer skipping or the Exercise your Name activity (Link in Classroom) but try a different name - favourite footy team, your pet.



Your final task for today is to complete the weekly check-in. A couple of you didn't complete it last week - please can you make sure that you do it today. Your thoughts really matter to us. 

Well that's it from me for this week. Next week is the last week of this half-term.  Enjoy the weekend, if you venture further out of your house this weekend please stay safe, keep 2m away from people and remember to wash your hands. Be kind, be patient, be thoughtful and help your grown ups.


Best wishes

Mrs R xx

Thursday 14th May

Hello and Good morning Year 6. It feels ages since I wrote something on our webpage.  Mrs W had to help me out last week because the power was off in my area for a day.  It's amazing how much we need electricity for so many different things!  Anyway I'm back. I had a lovely Zoom session with my family last weekend.  We had a family quiz and we won!! The tie-break question was... What game is played around the world, has four letters and starts with a T??? Any ideas?


Remember: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.


And so to your tasks.



Please continue with your Mathletics booklet. If you have finished it - fantastic, so you can do some mathletics of your own choice.  Remember we will be putting all the answers on Classroom tomorrow. It may take you some time to mark everything and check where you have gone right or wrong.



Last term, when you researched all about different Biomes, you found out about the life cycles of different living things including insects, amphibians and plants.  Your task today and tomorrow is to find out about the Human Life Cycle. Full instructions and resources are in Classroom but you may want to add your own research as well. You will need to photograph your work and upload it tomorrow (Friday).


RE -Mandala art

This activity is inspired by your wonderful, natural artwork from your gardens using flowers, leaves and twigs. I look forward to seeing how creative you can be. Instructions are in Classroom.  I would like you to take a photograph of your finished piece(s) and add it to our stream either today or tomorrow.



I've gone back to old Joe today. As you are learning all about the heart, I think his workout really gets your heart pumping!




So that's it from me today. Enjoy your activities.  Mrs W and I had a virtual meeting yesterday and we were saying how proud we are of you all - for your great motivation, politeness, energy, hard work and altogether wonderfulness! Thank you Year 6 - keep making us proud!


Mrs W and I are both in school today so we may not be able to respond immediately but we will when we can.


Remember to check in!


Best wishes

Mrs R

Wednesday 13th May

Hola! Bonjour! Hello!

It's Wednesday again - how time flies! I hope that you all managed to find my comments on your writing and science (digestion) yesterday. I will be looking at your portraits today - if you haven't got it to me yet, please do it first thing this morning before you do anything else as I want to create a special PowerPoint together for you all and I really would like the whole class to be included. 


Today's learning is quite straightforward - phew I hear you cry!



-Complete the heart and circulation task from yesterday - do it well! 



A further 45 minutes on the maths booklet. Mathletics - your choice of task - if you have finished it!



-Ask your grown up to test you on your spellings - I did warn you earlier in the week!

-Practice any that you get wrong.

-Head over to Google Classroom to find your new spellings.

-Write a sentence for each word in your blue book - count it as handwriting practice, too - so neater than neat! Make sure all of your punctuation is spot on! Make sure the spellings are correct!

-Then also complete the spelling activity sheet - either by printing or by copying neatly into your blue book


Exercise: Why not get outside in the fresh air and create your own circuit... press ups, burpees, star jumps, squats, skipping, lunges - get that heart beating faster!

Oh! I am tired thinking about it!


Remember - let kindness rule! Do a secret kind deed today for someone in your house... see if they notice!

Have a lovely day! 

Mrs W x 



Tuesday May 12th 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope that you are reading this feeling happy and well. I worked my way through lots of your writing yesterday - it took me longer than when it is on paper because the glare of the screen means I need to rest my old eyes more! If I didn't send you any comments yesterday (they will be in the comments section on the assignment) I will send them today. I really do hope you will take time to find the comments and read them as it is part of your learning and I really want to give you feedback even though we are not physically together. I was very impressed by what I read yesterday! :) 


Today's learning ...

Let's get lively with Joe Wicks today - I will be doing this in school with the children who are in. Let's link this to our science - ask somebody to time you one minute and count you heart beats in a minute by finding the pulse in your wrist. Repeat this at the end of the workout - what do you notice? 



Continue with your maths booklets for 45 minutes - you should have completed a lot of them by now!


Science: It's a two day task because you need to complete some of your own research as well as using your notes from yesterday to complete an activity - all of the instructions and resources are in Google Classroom. 


PSHE: As our topic is Me, Myself and I this task makes you think about yourself! We have been thinking a lot about our body and the physical processes but what about our personalities? The task is in Google Classroom.


Have an extra spectacular wonderful day!

Love Mrs W x

PS Don't forget to check in - all 30 of us managed it yesterday ... whoop! Let's go for a two day record!


Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning Year 6! I hope that you have enjoyed your long weekend and an extra day without any work! It felt like summer for some of the weekend because the weather was so nice ... but then oh, so cold and windy yesterday! 

We are heading into our 6th week of home learning and our 8th week away from school - that is longer than the summer holidays! I have been really impressed at the efforts you are making. A lot of you have managed to complete EVERY daily check-in, EVERY weekly check-in and have handed in EVERY piece of work we have asked you to hand in - so a great big shout out to you! You know who you are so I am sending you a virtual high five! Some of you have almost manged that, but not quite - keep doing your best to remember! A very small group of you are forgetting quite a few things - if you have work missing I have put a little reminder for you on the stream about what is missing.


I saw this quotation at the weekend and it made me think about us all and the friends we are not seeing at the moment - and it made me smile, it didn't make me sad because it is so true .... what do you think? 

'Good friends are like stars ...

You don't always see them

but you know they are 

always there'

Anyway, let's get on with today's learning!

When you have read all of the instructions on this page, head over to Google Classroom and check-in.


Check the stream and see if you have any messages about missing work - if you do have a message - or even more than one - please sort this out before you do anything else! When you have sorted it out, start today's learning.

If you don't have a message - great! You can start today's learning straightaway.


Art -

Please find the post about your portrait in Google Classroom Week 6 - use this post to hand in a photograph of your portrait from the end of last week


Literacy -

I wonder if you did anything to celebrate V.E. day on Friday? Today's literacy is a reading comprehension explaining all about Choose from Bronze, Silver and Gold - the answers are there in a separate document for WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED! NO PEEKING! 

Also, we didn't do our spelling test last week - it will be at some point this week so I would practice today if I were you! They will be the spellings that I gave to you in Week 4 - just in case you have mislaid them!


Science -

We are starting some leaning this week about the circulatory system - I have put resources in Google Classroom for you to start a mind-map. More instructions are in the classroom. 


Mathematics -

Please continue with last week's booklets (they are in Week 5 in Google Classroom if you didn't download and save them or print them). Please spend 45 minutes on maths today - remember the booklets  need to be finished by Friday!


As we are learning about the circulatory system and our  hearts this week, make sure that you do some exercise that gets your heart pounding ... see if you can feel it beating faster in your chest. How long does it take for you to get your breathing back to normal? Here is a good workout to start your day .... or perhaps after you have done your science to feel your circulatory system at work!


I hope that you all have a lovely day! I'm going to be spending my day reading and responding to your Alma stories - I can't wait! Look out for my feedback at some point today :-) 

Love Mrs W x
