
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 2 Virtual Learning

Thursday 2nd April  and Friday 3rd April 2020


Did anyone get fooled yesterday? I did, one of my favourite chocolate bars announced they were making a rainbow version! I believed it and got very excited about it until my brother-in-law told me it was an April Fool. 


The tasks below are for Thursday and Friday, if you have finished all of the tasks see above for some other things you could do.



Continuing from yesterday I would like you to complete some division word problems using the number-line. Remember for those of you dividing the larger numbers, remember to use bigger jumps to make it easier. There are only 4 word problems to solve for each bronze, silver or gold. You only have to select one section to complete.



I would like you to write your own fable. This could be based on one of the fables you have read or it could be a brand new idea. Remember the WMG from yesterday. You also need to make sure you are using the Year 3 punctuation we have talked about including speech marks when the characters are talking. 


I am setting no further tasks until after the Easter holidays. I will be posting a questionnaire for you all on the classroom tomorrow for feedback about how your two weeks have gone at home. There will also be a question for parents to fill in please look out for it as I would really like to hear how you are and what you think. 


Happy Easter.


Miss Foley.



Wednesday 1st April 2020



Today we are going to pull together all of the work we have been doing on fables. I want you to revisit all of the fables tasks and reflect o what makes a good fable. You have some time today to catch up on any fables tasks you missed and then to think about an idea for your own fable. Further instructions are in the Google classroom.



In maths we are moving from multiplication to division. There are some helpful videos on how to use a blank number-line to help you divide numbers. As usual there are Bronze, Silver and Gold challenges.



In Science  we started to look at what is inside our body. We started by looking at the skeleton, I would like you to revise what we learned using a few videos, then the focus is muscles. There are some instructions on how to make a demonstration 'muscle'. Obviously just do what you can, even if you spend sometime outdoors or around the house thinking about how your muscles are working when you move certain parts of your body.

Tuesday 31st March 2020


Today you have a literacy and a maths task.

You will find them on the google classroom, they both link to previous tasks set so you may need to revisit work from yesterday or last week.

If you complete your tasks there are other ideas above this or you could complete one of the tasks from last week if you did not get round to it.

Thank you for being awesome.




Monday 30th March 2020



Today we should be doing spellings so you need to complete your spelling test for last weeks spellings the -ly words that did not follow the traditional spelling patterns. Can you ask another person to test you at the back of your usual spelling book. 


The new spelling list is on Google Classroom, the link is below and the login is in your blue book. Can you copy your new spellings very carefully into your blue book. The tasks today are based around your spellings.

1. Arrange the spellings into alphabetical order.

2. Can you write or draw the meaning of each new word.

3. Can you write 5 sentences using some/all of your words. When you have written your 5 sentences can you go back and make 2 improvements to each sentence to make them more interesting. Think about our 'WHITE BUS' words to help you out.



This week we are focusing on multiplication and division. We will start with multiplication. Remember the grid method? I would like you to use the grid method to partition 2 digit numbers. You will then multiply the number by a 1 digit number. If you need to revise the method please watch the videos provided. I have also included a x tables square if you need it for support. Your tasks are also in the Google Classroom.



Joe Wicks will be continuing his daily P.E sessions so choose the episode you are up to. I caught up this weekend so I will be up to date for Monday.



Continue with your Viking Gods research. I have had 6 completed Viking posters, they are on Google classroom if you would like some inspiration. 
