
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 1 Virtual Learning

Day 5 - Friday 27th March 2020


Good morning Year 3, here are your tasks for Friday. The literacy and maths tasks are in Google classroom.


Today we are using our knowledge of time to answer some reasoning questions. Using what you know about time you need to explain your thinking in words/diagrams to justify your answers. As always there are bronze, silver and gold options.


Each of the fables you have looked at this week has a moral, but can you identify the moral of 5 different fables? You need to read the 5 fables the  work out which moral matches which fable. You need to add your answers to the sheet in Google classroom.


I would like you to have a go at level 3 if you have not had a go at it yet. Debugging a maze. Remember that means looking for the problem and trying to fix it. Watch the video first then work your way through the levels.

Day 4 - Thursday 26th March 2020


Good morning, today your Literacy and maths tasks are in the Google classroom. 



Continuing the Fables theme there is a reading task. Read the fable on the quiz sheet then see if you can answer the questions. There are two fables to read. 



Today you have some time related maths problems. There are three options, bronze, silver or gold. Read the questions carefully and answer them in your blue book. I will provide the answers tomorrow so you can check if you were correct or not.




Over the last few days some of the juniors have been working on a dance routine for one of their favourite songs. Could you do the same for your daily exercise? I have uploaded their video for inspiration.

If you are not a fan of dancing hopefully you are doing something active every day. I am certainly aching from the Joe Wicks workouts, I imagine some mums and dads may be too!


Have you seen any rainbows in people's windows recently? The idea started in Italy, people made rainbows to put in their windows as a sign of solidarity and hope. Do you have a rainbow in your window? Could you make a rainbow to put out for people see as they walk past on their daily exercise. You could paint, colour or collage a rainbow depending on what you have at home. If you upload a photo of your rainbow in your window when you have completed it I will post them on our class page for us all to see. 

Day 2 and Day 3 - Tuesday 24th March 2020 & Wednesday 25th 2020


Good morning Year 3. I have extended yesterday's tasks. I know in school we only managed to get the maths tasks and some of the Literacy done so we did not get round to the History. Please continue with the tasks from Monday and Tuesday if you need to complete them. If you have completed these tasks, you could do the following:

1. Go back to the fables and listen to some other fables, see if you can work out what each one is trying to teach.

2. Revisit the time activities, try some of the other time challenges on Mathletics

3. Times tables rocks.

4. Read your reading book with an adult and discuss what you have read. Can you summarise it so far and predict what might happen next.

5. Practise the handwiring sheets I gave you

6. Start designing your 'Google Earth' front cover that is in your file.


Thank you Year 3 for being superstars at home.


Miss Foley



Today I would like you to spend the first few minutes of your literacy time practising the spellings from yesterday. Do you understand them? can you explain what they all mean?


The next Literacy task is to listen to at least 2 fables from the link below. Have you heard any fables before? Why do you think people wrote fables? 


Once you have listened to some fables, choose your favourite one. Can you retell it in your blue book? You could either rewrite it in a comic strip, using words and illustrations or just simply rewrite it in your own words. I challenge you to try and include one of your spellings and at least one 'white bus' word.



Can you continue the practise you started yesterday. Use the link below for a useful interactive clock that has both analogue and digital time to compare.


I have also set you some time challenges on Mathletics.

  • Interactive clock.Practise matching digital and analogue times. Work through each stage.

History  - ongoing

Using the link below can you watch the clip about Viking Gods. We already know some of the names of the gods and what special powers they had. What else can you find out?


There is also a useful fact sheet on Google Classroom.


Collect notes about the gods that interest you most in your blue book.


Using one of the blank sheets of paper can you create a poster of the Viking gods. Include information on what special powers they had and how the Vikings believed the gods would help them. You could focus on one god and find out as much as possible or tell me about lots of the gods. When you have completed your task, you can upload a photo in google classroom where the Viking god notes are, I will leave you instructions there once I have worked out how you do it!


Please note:

This can be completed over a few days, spread the task out and take your time with it. Maybe to a little bit each day.


  • Viking GodsUse these websites to find out more about the Viking Gods

Design Technology.


Yesterday the juniors who were in school started making friendship bracelets, we used a loom like the ones we had at Tatton Park. We made them using card from old shoe boxes. We said they could be bracelets of kindness and hope to remind us that we need to look after each other during this strange time. We only made them for ourselves as a reminder. If you would like me to post instructions for this, leave me a comment on the class page. 

Day1 - Monday 23rd March 2020

Good morning Year 3, this is different. I hope you have enjoyed your weekend and I am sure lots of you treated your mum's yesterday. Here are your tasks for today. 


Today we should be doing spellings so you need to complete your spelling test for last weeks spellings if you were in school to receive them. Can you ask another person to test you at the back of your usual spelling book. 


The new spelling list is on Google Classroom, the link is below and the login is in your blue book. Can you copy your new spellings very carefully into your blue book. The tasks today are based around your spellings.

1. Arrange the spellings into alphabetical order.

2. Can you write or draw the meaning of each new word.

3. Can you write 5 sentences using some/all of your words. When you have written your 5 sentences can you go back and make 2 improvements to each sentence to make them more interesting. Think about our 'WHITE BUS' words to help you out.





The focus for your maths sessions this week is telling the time. How well do you know the time? Can you tell the time to the nearest minute? nearest 5 minute?

I want you to find an analogue clock in your home and look at it really carefully. Do you know what all of the numbers represent? What shows the minutes, where are the hours? Which hand is which?


If you are able to use the 'Teaching Clock'  to practise setting a given time.



Children should recognise o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. If you are not yet confident with this I want you to practise this.


Children should start to recognise the time at 5 minute intervals. Use the video links I have set up below to practise the skills.


Children should be able to tell the time to the nearest minute accurately. Use the link below to practise.


If you are confident telling the time I want you to practise comparing digital and analogue time. Can you write a given time in three ways? Digitally, in words and drawn on a clock.


When you have practised the time can you create a timetable in your blue book for your new home learning routine. Think about how long each activity might take.

e.g: Get up and get dressed 7:30 am-8 am



In school we will start our day with the Joe Wicks daily P.E session so you could try this at home too. If you do not have access to a screen then make sure you have some activity time outside in the garden if you can. Try some ball skills, throwing and catching, how high can you throw, how many catches can you do in a minute.
