
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Aims and Objectives at Ladybrook

What are the aims and objectives at Ladybrook?

All children have skills, talents and abilities and as a school we have a responsibility to develop these to the full.

We believe that:

• We should give all of our pupils, including those with SEND, access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

• We aim to make early identification and take suitable action for those children who experience SEND during their learning career at Ladybrook.

• We are committed to a policy of integration into the full range of activities available to all pupils at school.

• We will do our utmost to make our facilities accessible to children with physical difficulties.

• We aim to co-ordinate resources efficiently to ensure that pupils make the greatest progress possible.

• We aim to foster relationships between home and school based on mutual trust, respect and understanding.

• We aim to provide adequate in-service training for all of our teachers and designated support staff to ensure the effective implementation of our special educational needs policy.

  • We aim to be adaptive in our teaching and have completed Adaptive Teaching training. We believe in the following five principles