
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 5 Virtual Learning 04.05.20

Thursday 7th May


Good morning Year 2. I hope you enjoyed the tasks yesterday.

You’ll be thrilled to know that today is the last day of the school week because tomorrow is a Bank Holiday.

Tomorrow is a very important day for our country. It is 75 years since the end of World War 2 in Europe. VE stands for Victory in Europe. There will be lots of programmes to watch on television on Friday and I thought it would be good if you found out a bit about why tomorrow is such a special day for this country.



As tomorrow is a Bank Holiday, I have sent the questionnaire for you to complete today on Google Classroom. As always, I will read and respond to you all individually.


Your check in is a bit different today. I have posted a message to you all on the stream to say hello. I miss your faces and voices and thought it would be nice to say hello to each other.


Time to think: What are you thankful for?



Today I would like your grown up to test you on your number bond / times tables. I have attached the tests that we use in school to help your mums and dads decide if you’ve ‘passed’ and are ready to move onto the next level. Don’t forget to tell me if I need to update TTRS.

You can still complete the measuring activities from the week.


Parents – I have attached the sheets I use at the end of the week to help assess whether children are ready to move up on their number bonds and times tables. As a rule, I have a time limit of about 5 - 10 minutes and allow 1 or 2 mistakes. Please find the relevant sheet for your child. If you can’t print them, then use the questions and please write them down.



Other activities

As we have completed the activities for the week, I have added a range of activities linked to VE day. There is a video to watch first and then maths, reading, literacy activities, colouring and craft. They will help you find out why tomorrow is such an important day.


Have a lovey day and enjoy the sunshine.

Speak to you all on Monday


Mrs Morrison

Assessing number bonds and multiplication facts

Wednesday 6th May

Morning everyone! Hope you all had a good day yesterday. Thank you for uploading your poems onto the stream. I enjoyed reading them. You tried really hard to include the WMG -well done everyone. I hope you were able to read each other’s. If you would prefer to sent them directly to me, you can do so via Google Classroom and then click on classwork - poetry - your work - add attachment - submit.


Time to think:

Take a step towards a goal - however small. 


How to survive in the Arctic.

There are a series of live lessons based on life in the Arctic. Tomorrow Nick Cox will be talking about how to survive in the Arctic. Follow the link in attachments.


There are lots of other programmes linked to life in the Arctic you may be interested in.



We are going to go back to handwriting today. In your home learning pack you should find the sheet practising ice and ide joins. Please complete this using the handwriting paper.



We are going to continue with our measuring work today. I have added links to some online games where you can practise some of the measuring you have been learning about.

Don’t forget you have the optional activities I added links to yesterday.



Other activities

At school we have discussed showing kindness and caring for others and how important this is. We are all living in such a strange time at the moment and when I hear stories about people showing kindness to others, it makes me so happy. Watching Captain Tom walk the lengths of his garden raising money for the NHS or the care worker who gave a gentleman a cushion with a photograph on it of his wife. These stories are delightful and show the importance of kindness and care.

I would like you to think about who cares for you and who you care for. What do they do? You can decide to do it thinking about what life is like at home now or before. I wonder if it is the same people? I wonder if they are showing their care for you in a different way?

Watch the film using the You Tube link. This shows how a person’s kindness and caring nature affects others. It made me smile, I hope you do too.

I have added a sheet to write down your ideas below. This can be printed out or use your home learning book.


Speak to you all tomorrow

Love Mrs Morrison

Caring for others

Tuesday 5th May
Good morning Year 2. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. It was nice to see the sun back wasn’t it.
Thank you for completing the questionnaires – I had a few more throughout the day and you should have received your replies. 
To find it:
1. Go to Classwork
2. Click on check in questionnaire (like you did in order to complete it)
3. Click on week 3 (or week 2) and your private reply should appear. Here you can make any further comments if necessary.


Time to think: Send a friend a photo of a time you enjoyed together.


As it is normally reading today, I would like you to read and discuss your book. Here is a reminder about accessing further reading books:
Parents if your child has finished reading their school books and you are looking for some more you can sign up to Oxford Owl for free and there are a number of ebooks on there including some magic key stories. Once signed in, click on ebooks and oxford reading tree level and then choose the level your child is currently at.

Pickatale is also a good app that you can download. They are currently offering a 2 week free trial. This seems a good app as it will read the book to the children or they can read it themselves. If they are stuck on a word, they click it and it reads it to them. There is also a quiz at the end of most books so it is aiding their comprehension skills.


In literacy I would like you to complete a reading task today. I have chosen a reading comprehension linked to nocturnal animals. Please choose from the bronze (1 star), silver (2 stars) and gold (3 stars).

I hope you all enjoyed weighing yesterday. I have set tasks linked to weight on Mathletics and have attached further activities below. These are once again optional and are there for you to complete as you please. I have uploaded a range – some trickier than others.


Other activities
Today I would like you to complete your poetry. Carefully read the work you did yesterday and see if you can spot any things you need to improve. Check your capital letters, key words and letter formation. Don’t forget:
Remember to have a look at the What Makes Good (WMG) and try to include:

I have carefully selected words to create strong images
These are the ideas you wrote on your planning sheet thinking about what might it look, feel, smell and sound like? How does it move? What does it do?
My poem includes onomatopoeia
Words that sound like they mean eg: hoot, growl, roar, slither, hiss.
It includes alliteration
Repeat the sound eg: The snake slithers silently.
I have used a capital letter at the beginning of every line
My writing makes sense

Like you did with your animal fact files, feel free to post your poetry on the stream. I would love to see your work.

Don’t forget to have some fun today too!
Speak to you all tomorrow
Love Mrs Morrison

These are mastery style questions. I use these types of questions in school to encourage discussion and reasoning.

Monday 4th May

Good morning Year 2 and May the fourth be with you!

 I hope you had a lovely weekend. I was very busy finishing my jigsaw – I’ll put a photo of it on the stream.

Thank you for responding to the questionnaire I sent out on Friday. I have replied to all of them if I had received them by Friday evening. If you have replied, click on the questionnaire and you should see a private comment. Click on it and that is my reply – I hope you receive it. Completing this questionnaire is very useful as it helps me answer questions and queries, decide next steps in learning and provide support for you and your child.

Parents, I hope you received Mrs Presswood's email on Saturday. She has asked us that you please share her newsletter with your child, especially the second part of the letter and the video link to the website.


Your check in on Google Classroom – What did you do at the weekend?


Time to think: Today think about what you can do rather than what you can’t do.



As today is spelling day, I have linked today’s tasks to these. Please ask a grown up or older sibling to test you on list 26 in the back of your yellow spelling book. Below are next week’s spellings – either stage 1 or 2.

Stage 1:

Spelling List 27













Stage 2:

Spellings list 27













Please write the spellings in sentences in your home learning book using correct sentence punctuation.



We are going to start the week with measuring weight. Please watch the Espresso video explaining how to measure and complete the online activities. After this, find 10 items around your house to weigh. Have a go at ordering them from lightest to heaviest. If you have scales, have a go at weighing them and see if you’re correct. Remember to use the unit of measure.


Other activities

Today and tomorrow I would like you to write your animal poem using the notes you made last week.

Remember to have a look at the What Makes Good (WMG) and try to include:

  • I have carefully selected words to create strong images

These are the ideas you wrote on your planning sheet thinking about what might it look, feel, smell and sound like? How does it move? What does it do?

  • My poem includes onomatopoeia 

Words that sound like they mean eg: hoot, growl, roar, slither, hiss.

  • It includes alliteration

Repeat the sound eg: The snake slithers silently.

  • I have used a capital letter at the beginning of every line 
  • My writing makes sense
  • It includes rhyme

The owl watched the world from the tree

Turning its neck, I wonder what he can see?



Spend today writing it and tomorrow you can edit, improve and illustrate it. If you would like to share it on the stream, I would love to see your poems.


Remember to practise your number bonds and times tables too. You all have accounts for Numbots and Times Table Rock Stars.

Don’t forget to read your book. I know some of you parents have found the book list useful and are using the Oxford Owl website.


Don’t forget to have some fun today too!

Speak to you all tomorrow

Love Mrs Morrison
