
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 5 Virtual Learning

Good morning Year 3. I absolutely loved seeing your videos and photographs, I know Mrs Archer did too. Hopefully we can do that again soon. Did you enjoy watching your friends? If you have not seen all the videos give them a watch this week. Feel free to comment on your friends video and say hello too.

Have you all had a good weekend? I know lots of you worked really hard last week. A few of you have mentioned reading in your questionnaire this week so I have added some reading material for you.
First News
There is a new copy of First News which is a newspaper written for children. It has lots of useful information about things happening around the world.
I have also included Mrs Presswood's news letter. Please make sure you click on the link and watch Mrs Presswood's video she has a great idea for planting seeds which would be great for you to observe for our plant work.
How NOT to go to school
There is also a story about not being at school called 'How to NOT go to school' written by a teacher to help children understand lockdown.
This week I would like you to spend some time reading with your grown ups. It does not have to be online, it could be from your reading book or a book of your choice.



Today's literacy follows our poetry theme and follows on from last Friday's activity 1 on the poems from Please Mrs Butler. I have included last Friday's task if you missed it.
Read the poem on the sheet or you can listen to the poem being performed using the link.
Use the poem to answer the questions.
The third part of your task is to perform one of the poems to someone. You could choose either 'Please Mrs Butler' or 'Excuses'. See if you can use your voice and facial expression to bring the poem to life.



Can you use the cheese scone recipe to work out the ingredients you would need for more or less scones. 
If the maths makes you hungry I have also included a simple cheese scone recipe for you to try if you would like.  
There are bronze, silver and gold activities, you only need to choose one.
If you have no printer copy and complete the table in your blue book.



I have also uploaded the weekly questionnaire so you can tell me about your week. It will be on today as tomorrow is the bank holiday.


Continuing from our work on what makes a healthy plant and what the parts of a plant are used for, today I would like you to look at flowers.
Can you watch the video on parts of the flower then play the game using at 1-6 dice. Or home made number cards 1-6 if you do not have a dice. You can draw your flower in your book if you do not want to print the sheet. Make sure your label the parts of your flower as you draw them on.

The instructions are in the classroom.


Today is a catch up day but I have included some VE day activities on the classroom page for anyone who would like them.


Tasks to catch up on:

Science - healthy plants information

Art - Toilet roll challenge

Geography - Map of your local area/bedroom/garden



Today's task is to read the Lock-down poems you and  your friends have written. 

If you did not upload your poem you can still do that by going to last week's poetry task and clicking the 'Add' button in the right hand corner or the paperclip button on the app/phone and attaching a photo of your poem. Once you have done this leave me a comment and I will add your poem to the presentation.

When you have read the poems, I would like you to think about which poems you enjoyed and why. In your blue book can you choose your favourite poems and explain why they were your favourites. You can choose as many as you like. Also leave a general comment in the comments section to let your friends know what you thought about our poetry collection.



Continuing on from yesterday, you will be using your times tables facts to help solve these animal scaling problems.
First you need to watch the power-point presentation.
Then choose a sheet to answer, you can write your answers in your blue book if you do not have a printer.
The answers are included if you want to check your work at the end.
Remember when you are multiplying tens you can use your times tables facts to help you.
Use the multiplication square if you get stuck.
For example:
4 x 3 = 12 so 4 x 30 would be 10 times 12 = 120
5 x 3 = 15 so 5 x 30 = 150




Click on the link and watch the introduction to maps.
Think about where you might have maps in your house - do you have any atlases? Old road maps? Do any of your story books have maps at the front? Nowadays a lot of people use maps on their phones as they are much more convenient but it is useful to know how a map works.

When you have watched the videos and tried the activities can you draw a map of you own?
You could draw a map of your bedroom, a floor in your house or your local area. 

Remember maps are drawn as if someone was looking down from above. They use a scale - just like we have been doing in maths. They are  a much smaller version of the place you are trying to find.
If you have time have a look at the Google Maps/ Google Earth websites and see if you can see where you live. Can you find our school?



Today we are going to use our times tables facts to help us work out some scaling problems. 
Watch the video first, it explains how scaling has been used to make small lego models into larger lego models and vice versa. 
Look at the power point that explains why we might need to use a scale model.
Have a look at the family in the scaling sheet. 
Use your times tables to work out how tall each of the family members would be. 
Use the table to help you work out the different heights. 
Can you use the table to help you answer the questions? 
You can type onto the sheet in Google Classroom.



Today we should be doing spellings so you need to complete your spelling test for the last set of spelling words -  Words with the /k/ sound spelled ‘ch.’  
Can you ask another person to test you at the back of your usual spelling book. 

The new spelling list is below.  Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt ‘–gue’ and the /k/ sound spelt ‘–que.’  These words are French in origin.  

Can you copy your new spellings very carefully into your blue book. The tasks today are based around your spellings.

1. Arrange the spellings into alphabetical order.

2. Can you write or draw the meaning of each new word - use the quiz to help you.
(Silver choose the 7 words you feel most confident learning)
(Gold use all words - are there any other words you know that fit the pattern?)

3. Can you write 5 sentences using some/all of your words - remember your neat handwriting and punctuation, I have notices some of you seem to be rushing a little with your presentation and writing in pen, please write in pencil if you have one. 

4. Challenge - When you have written your 5 sentences can you go back and make 2 improvements to each sentence to make them more interesting. Think about our 'WHITE BUS' words to help you out.
Silver - focus on one of the sounds - gue or que
Gold - focus on both sounds.


The lists are available in Google Classroom.
