
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 6 Virtual learning (11.5.20)

Friday 15th May 2020

Happy Friday Year 4!  You  have made it to the end of week 6 of home learning!  Well done!  

Have you all been keeping an eye on your mummified tomatoes?  I wonder how they are looking.  How has the colour changed?  What about the texture?  Everyone carried out the experiment at a different time but at some point over the next few days it's probably about time for you to weigh your tomato again (it should be a minimum of two weeks from when you did it) and compare it to the premummification weight.  Make a note of the new weight.  Look out in next week's topic work instructions as I will be asking for your feedback.


There are lots of other tasks to work through today so please read and follow the instructions carefully...


As it is Friday I would like you to try to make sure all maths, literacy and topic tasks set on Mathletics and in Google Classroom this week are complete and 'handed in.'  


I would also like you to ask a grown up or older sibling to test you on the last set of spellings (list 26).  Do this in your spelling book as normal.  

Your new spelling list is as follows:

List 27- word families (words with similar spellings, root words and meanings)

1. solar

2. solution

3. soluble

4. insoluble

5. dissolve

6. real

7. reality

8. realistic

9. unreal

10.  realisation

Copy the new spellings carefully into your spelling book.  Check the meaning of any words you are unsure of and write each word neatly into a sentence in your blue books. Use the following title- List 27 spelling practice.  Keep practising your spellings so that you will be ready for next week's spelling test.  


When all of the above is finished I would like you to visit Maths Frame Multiplication Tables Check:

We used this lots of times in school and some of you may already have used it at home.  There are 25 times tables questions and you have 6 seconds to answer each question.  Play several times and see if you can beat your previous score.  If you find it really tricky remember you can adjust the difficulty by giving yourself slightly longer to answer the questions or by only including certain tables in the test.  Good luck!  If there are any times tables you find really tricky these are the ones you should be practising frequently please.


I also need your help today Year 4!  In the stream in Google Classroom there is a very important question that I need each of you to answer carefully.  Try to do this today please.


If you would like more to do please choose from the following:

  • Times table practice on Times Tables Rock Stars

  • Maths on the Move home challenge sheet

  • I See Home Learning videos- choose a video to watch then click on the task beneath and have a go

  • Play one of yesterday's times tables games.
  • Make a reading den and enjoy some time reading. 


And of course please don't forget to fill in this week's questionnaire (week 6) found in Google Classroom.  I will be checking responses throughout the day. 


Work hard today and have a lovely weekend.

Love, Mrs Poole


Thursday 14th May 2020

Hello Year 4! I hope you had a good day yesterday.  I really enjoyed being in school.  It was nice and sunny in the morning so we began by doing the Daily Mile on the running track.  I hope you all are managing to do your daily exercise too.  I also remembered to get copies of the passwords so have replied to anyone who asked me to send them a copy.  


Today's tasks... 


Maths- Please make sure all outstanding activities on Mathletics are complete.  Then, in keeping with our times table focus I would like you to play a times table game.  You may have a game at home that you could use but I have uploaded some in Google Classroom.  If you are up for the challenge you could design and make your own game!  It could be based on one of the games uploaded in the Classroom or you could come up with your own idea!  


Literacy- I have seen some fantastic double page spreads on pharaohs so far.  I have been really impressed!  I will share some later in the stream.  If you have not finished yours please do that today. Then I would like you to read your current reading book for thirty minutes.  In your blue book follow our group reading structure:

1. Summarise what you have just read in your own words - remember full sentences and punctuation

2. Clarify five words - choose 5 words, find their meanings and jot them down

3. Predict what might happen next 

4. If an adult is with you, can they ask you some questions? 


Don't forget to practise your spellings ready for tomorrow's test too!


Topic- This week's topic work has been online in Google Classroom since Monday morning.  Remember you have all week to work your way through topic tasks.  This week's topic work includes History, Art, Computing and French.  Please take your time over your art work and try to upload your finished work if you can.  The History, Computing and French can and should be revisited throughout the week if you have time.


Have a great day.

Mrs Poole


Wednesday 13th May 2020

Hi Year 4! I am in school again today so please bear with me as I will not be able to check Google Classroom during the normal school day.  I will get back to any queries and feedback on any uploaded work in the evening.  A few people have already asked me to remind them of their usernames and passwords so I will get hold of those in school today.  If you have lost yours please leave me a message within this week's topic work.


Today's tasks... 


Maths- Please use today's maths time to complete all activities set on Mathletics.  Mrs King set activities on Monday and I set activities linked to times tables yesterday.  If you would like to do more please also spend some time on Times Tables Rock Stars.  


Literacy- A reminder that this week's Literacy work is linked to our Ancient Egypt topic, focussing on pharaohs.  Details can be found in Google Classroom. Yesterday you should have used the links to carefully research pharaohs and create a mind map showing what you found out or already knew (task 1).  This should have been done carefully and in detail, just like you would do in school.  Today you should complete task 2- begin your double page spread!  If you finish this today I would love you to upload a photo in Google Classroom.  If you need to complete it on Thursday that is fine.  


Topic- This week's topic work has been online in Google Classroom since Monday morning.  Remember you have all week to work your way through topic tasks.  This week's topic work includes History, Art, Computing and French.  Please take your time over your art work and try to upload your finished work if you can.  The History, Computing and French can and should be revisited throughout the week if you have time.


Have a great day.

Mrs Poole




Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good morning Year 4! I do hope you are all well and have found and read your individual responses to last week's questionnaires.  Do also remember to check back on work that you upload as Mrs King and I do try to comment on each piece.  Can I also just remind everyone that you must only comment ONCE on comments that appear in the stream and on assignments in the classwork tab, unless of course you have a question linked directly to the task.  Mrs King and I need to be able to identify  important messages that require our attention and we know that most of you have other means of chatting with your friends online. Thank you.


Now for today's tasks...


Maths- This week we are going to focus on learning and recalling times tables and corresponding division facts.  This is something we do at school ever single day.  Today's tasks are set on Mathletics. Don't worry if you are unable to complete them today as you will have more time to work on them tomorrow.


Literacy- This week's Literacy work is linked to our Ancient Egypt topic, pharaohs in particular.  You can find details about it in Google Classroom. You may read all the instructions so that you know the end goal but please only complete task 1 today.  Both the research of pharaohs and the mind map need to be done thoroughly please.


Topic- This week's topic work has been online in Google Classroom since yesterday morning.  Remember you have all week to work your way through topic tasks.  This week's topic work includes History, Art, Computing and French.  Please take your time over your art work and try to upload your finished work if you can.  The History, Computing and French can be all be revisited throughout the week.


Have a lovely day.

Mrs Poole



Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning Year 4! I hope you all enjoyed the bank holiday weekend. I was impressed with all the work I saw from last week, keep it up!



Let’s start off today with some handwriting! Choose a paragraph from a favourite fiction or non-fiction book and in your best handwriting copy it out into your blue book. We would use our handwriting books in school to help get our letters the correct size so see if you can do this without. Remember to join all your letters except the break letters g, j, x, y and z. Spend just 15 to 20 minutes on this.



Today your tasks are set in Mathletics.



Last week we started to look at classification keys. Today I would like you to work through the PowerPoint in Google Classroom. You will be creating your own classification keys.

If for any reason you can’t open the PowerPoint in Google Classroom I have also included the link below.


This week’s cricket link is in the ‘learning from home’ section at the top of the Year 4 page.


Have a great Monday!
Mrs King
