Welcome to our Governors’ section
The Role of the Governing Body
Governors make decisions about how the school is run. We act as a “critical friend” and exist to support and help the school on strategic issues. We do not run the school on a day-to-day basis, so if parents have specific concerns or queries they should speak to the senior management team.
The full governing body meets each term but there are many other meetings going on throughout the year. The governing body has legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together; they cannot act individually.
The governing body is made up of: Parents – elected by parents; Staff at school; Local Authority representatives – appointed by the LA; Community governors -local people interested in school. Each governor serves for a four year term of office. There are three sub groups which also meet each term. These are: Finance and premises, Staffing, Teaching and Learning.The sub groups play a really important role in the management and development of the school. They also monitor standards. The staffing governors also support the school with the recruitment process.
Why are parents on the Governing Body?
Parent governors bring the views of parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals. They should not be thought of as delegates or “mouthpieces” of the parents.
Parent Governors hold the unique position of having a parental viewpoint of the school. Through their children they have a first hand experience of the delivery of the curriculum and can see how the school is perceived from the “clients” point of view.
Being the impartial representative parent can sometimes be difficult and the Parent Governor should:
• Guide parents regarding appropriate lines of actions and procedures
• Present a balanced view of issues, representing different sections of the community
Parent Governors should form a relationship with the parents but must maintain a strategic approach to the Governing Body.
A Parent Governor can advise parents on routes of action but must not become personally involved in individual concerns.
expense of others
Parent Governors are representative parents NOT a representative of the parents.
The Parent Governor should:
Make themselves known to you
Try to attend any inservice training provided
Listen impartially to concerns raised by
Being a parent Governor can be both interesting and rewarding and working alongside other members of the Governing Body will ensure that the work of the Governing Body fulfils its duties to all children.
Members of the Governing Body
Mrs Catriona Farnsworth (Community Governor) - Chair / Safeguarding / LAC / Young Carers
Mr Donald Webb (Community Governor) Health and Safety Governor
Mrs Pauline Benton (LA Governor) - SEND link Governor
Mrs Sharon Tussie (LA Governor)
Mrs Karen Fairweather (Co-opted Governor) - School business manager
Mr Paul Graham (Co-opted governor)
Mr Jonathan Worrall -Vice Chair / Development Governor (Co-opted governor)
Parent Governors:
Ms Anna Ross
Ms Ruth Pearson
Ms Anna Simmons
Rest of Governing Body:
Mrs. Deborah Presswood (HT)
Mrs Caroline Woosnam (Staff Governor)