Welcome to Nursery 2022-23
It has been lovely to welcome lots of new children and families into Ladybrook Nursery. Thank you for your patience as we are settling the children into their sessions. They are having lots of fun and are beginning to learn their new routines and get to know us. I hope I will see many of you soon at our Year Group meeting on Wednesday 21st September at 5.30p.m in the main school hall initially, followed by a short meeting in our classroom. Here is the Power Point for the meeting.
We had lots of fun settling into Nursery...
At Nursery the children enjoy doing lots of different learning activities related to our themes including adult directed and child initiated. We love playing outdoors and go out in all weathers. We are very fortunate to have some exciting new equipment to create challenge and problem solving for all our young learners. There are lots of opportunities for our staff to support our children when they initiate their own learning and set their own challenges.
We all enjoyed our Christmas Stay and play, especially singing for all the grown-ups.
We have explored the frost and snow on the big school field. We are so lucky to have access to such an amazing outdoor environment.
We explored our local environment looking at different types of houses, all from the safety of our school field. The children were introduced to new vocabulary linked to houses. What are they made of? What are the different parts of the houses? What do you call different types of houses?
We are enjoying learning our first sounds using Floppy's phonics, especially enjoying small group reading with an adult:
We can achieve the same learning objectives inside and outside. In maths, we can count sets of objects and complete simple addition problems:
We had lots of fun making our own pancakes and eating them. We listened to the "Runaway pancake" story and experimented with mark making in our own little books.
The children always enjoy creative play and our role play garage was a big hit!
There was great excitement in Nursery when the "Naughty Bus" came to the classroom and left a terrible mess...there were beans everywhere. We decided to find out what it feels like to walk through different things. We used lots of different words linked to textures e.g squidgy, cold, soft, fluffy, scratchy, crunchy, slippy etc