
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Year 1 2020-2021

Welcome to Year 1!


Key information


Book check/change 

Indoor P.E





Library book change 

Outdoor P.E 




Individual/group reading 

Book check/change


Friday Enrichment programme 

  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Year 1

Investigation Squad

(nothing needed) 


Forest School/ Gardening

(Old long sleeved top,

trousers and wellies needed)



(Outdoor P.E kit used)


(indoor P.E kit used)


(nothing needed)

Sport (outdoor P.E kit used)

Wonderful Weekly Work

Week 6 


Fantastic work again! So many amazing poems to choose from! I was so impressed with them all! Well done.

Wonderful Weekly Work 

Week 5 

Fabulous work this week everyone. I’ve added some of your amazing work; rhyming words, space crafts and our maths activity where you made groups of 10 to make 50 :). Well done

Wonderful Weekly Work 

Weeks 3 & 4

Another couple of weeks of amazing work! Here we have some wonderful aliens, moon buggies, design work and story maps. Well done to Theo, Jack, Alby, Evelyn, Amy, Jake, Katrina and Blake. ⭐️

Wonderful Weekly Work 

Week 2 

Wonderful sentences and amazing adjectives from Charlie, Imogen, Isabelle, Holly and Jorge. Fabulous timelines and R.E from Theo S, Amelie G-S and Alexa. Brilliant maths from Amelie H and Isla. Well done everyone ⭐️   


Wonderful Weekly Work 

Week 1 

Our girls have done some great sentence writing about their winter trees and have enjoyed our music session. Fab maths work by Maya, Minahil, Joseph and Sol. Great spelling sentences by Tiffany and Erin. Well done everyone ⭐️.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Our army of snowmen

This year we have had a very cheeky elf visit our classroom! Have a look at some of the things Merry's been up to.

Just for fun! The pictures I found when looking through our class Ipads.

Children in Need 


Autumn 2


We have had a very busy term. Our topic this term has been houses and homes. We have looked at different types of homes, homes from the past and present and we have learnt and written our own versions of The Three Little Pigs. We also made our own diva lamps when we looked at Diwali, experimented with charcoal and used beebots to retell the story of The Three Little Pigs. 


Superhero Day 


Harvest Festival 


We had some very special visitors on Thursday. Spiderman, Batman and Wonder Woman came to see us and we gave them donations for Chelwood Food Bank. We managed to raise an AMAZING amount. As of yesterday we were at £485, however, there are still donations coming in. Thank you very much!!!! 

The children were so excited! I have added some pictures. 

Autumn 1


We have had a wonderful first half term getting to know each other and settling into our new routines.  We have enjoyed learning about superheros, the human body, our locality and Florence Nightingale. 


Recently we have been learning about the story of Handa's surprise. The children have then written their own version of the story and they have done a fab job! 


Here are some pictures of what we have been up to in the classroom. 

