Welcome to Year 6!
Keep an eye on this page for updates about our learning and useful information about what is happening in school. Please note, any new information is always added to the top of the page beneath the important information. Pop back and visit us often to see what we have been up to!
Important information
Monday- Mrs Woosnam
Indoor PE
Piano lessons
Tuesday- Mrs Woosnam
Grammar homework set
Wednesday- Mrs Woosnam
Woodwind lessons
Brass lessons
**Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday... it's a surprise each week .... spellings tests and new spellings**
Thursday- Mrs Poole
Outdoor PE
Guitar lessons
Grammar homework due in
Friday- Mrs Poole
Enrichment afternoon
Please remember:
* All uniform, PE kit, coats and wellies should be labelled.
* Coats, filled water bottles and book bags should be in school everyday.
* For morning playtime children may bring 20p to spend at the tuckshop or bring their own healthy snack.
Today was our last day in Year 6. We performed our assembly beautifully! Everyone was so proud of us and we feel we are now ready for high school. We also had our party - a yummy buffet and games in the sunshine.
Photo gallery ... part 1
Photo gallery part 2
We read with our year 3 reading buddies twice a week and have enjoyed helping them with their reading. As our last 'big writing project' in year 6, we wrote mini-novels for year three. After lots of drafting, editing, illustrating and book technology we were able to share them with our partners this week! Year 3 loved them!
As part of World Book Day celebrations, Key Stage 2 enjoyed an online poetry session with the poet Ian Bland. We heard some of his poems, joined in with some and learned how he wrote one of his poems. We found out about rhyming structures and syllable counts. Here are some photos from the session - you may recognise children from other classes as this was a whole school event!
In our novel, Kensuke's Kingdom, Michael (our main character) meets a gentleman called Kensuke. As their friendship grows, Michael learns that Kensuke is from Japan and he learns all about Kensuke's traditions and way of life. We were lucky to take part in a cultural talk and workshop to find out all about Japan ourselves.
During the autumn term in RE we have considered the question- 'What matters most to Christians and Buddhists?' Having researched Buddhism through a quick on the draw task and an information hunt, we found answers to the following questions:
We worked in Kagan teams to present our findings on posters which we shared with the rest of school in sharing assembly.
In DT we enjoyed being challenged to make our own topic books. We investigated the best way to tie-dye our fabric covers so that we had multiple colours; we strengthened our spines using plaiting techniques and constructed our books independently. We are VERY proud of them and the learning within them!
We also enjoyed food technology - making our Christmas gingerbread. As well as the cookies, we had to design and make our own packaging to keep them fresh! Take a look through our photographs; can you find the imposter?!
What can we say?! We were awesome! We loved rehearsing, performing and working as a team. From auditions to final night; we were just AMAZING! Make a cup of tea, sit back and enjoying reminiscing with our two slide shows!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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