Welcome to Nursery
It has been lovely to meet all our new Nursery children and families. We are all getting to know each other and already the children are happy, settled and learning the routines in Nursery. We have had lots of fun learning around the Nursery room, trying a variety of activities...Water, sand, dough, role play, art and craft, writing, counting, building and helping ourselves at the snack table.
Nursery children have loved exploring our great outdoor area... climbing on, over and through obstacles, going in the rainbow den, making potions, riding bikes, and even having a snack.
We have had a very busy November in Nursery. Our theme has been "Once upon a time" and we have enjoyed lots of different stories. In World Nursery Rhyme week we enjoyed a visit from the Reading Fairy. We all loved making chocolate cake after listening to a story about "The Small Knight and George and the Chocolate Cake". we also enjoyed Children in Need day at nursery.
In the Spring term Nursery have been very busy enjoying learning all about "The Gingerbread Man". We retold the story and loved baking. We have also enjoyed learning outdoors, especially on a snowy day and playing in puddles when it was wet.
We celebrated Lunar New Year and learned all about it from a special visitor. We loved tasting different foods and looking at artefacts.
Nursery have really enjoyed the summer term. We have had a fun sports day completing a variety of fun races and activities.
Nursery enjoyed their visit to Reddish Vale Farm.