Welcome to Year 4!
Here is the Year 4 Powerpoint from the Welcome meeting.
Summer Term - Ancient Egypt
Social Action Super Stars!
As part of our Schools Linking project, we pledged to take social action in the local area. Year 4 chose to do some litter picking to make a difference in the local community. We all had a great time and made a big difference!
Crowden River Trip
We had a brilliant trip to Crowden and loved exploring the river (some getting very comfortable in the water!), taking measurements of the river, looking for the features of a river and doing some pond dipping.
Quote of the day - "I've got water in both my wellies and I'm having a great time!"
Here are some photos of our day...
Liverpool World Museum Trip
We started off our new topic with an exciting trip to Liverpool World Museum. We enjoyed 2 workshops - Discover Ancient Egypt and Ancient Egyptian Mummification - and learnt lots of exciting facts. We loved exploring the Egyptian Exhibition and completing our quizzes as we went along.
Spring Term - Angry Planet
Schools Linking
We enjoying our recent video calls with our link class. We asked and answered lots of curiosity questions and thought about similarities and differences within and between our classes.
We have also created a Kindness tree where we have displayed the things that we care about in the local area. Our link class has one too. We will be going on to explore how we can make a difference in our local areas.
In gymnastics we have been working on balances on our own and with a partner. We have been thinking about how to hold a steady balance, balances on different levels, smooth transitions from one balance to another and balancing on different body parts.
We have been learning about watercolour paint and how to use it. Look out for our volcano watercolour paintings coming soon!
We're enjoying our tennis sessions with a coach. We've all made great progress so far and had lots of fun!
Autumn Term - Ancient Greece
Ancient Greek workshop
We had a great workshop, finding our more about Ancient Greece. Ask your children to tell you what they are doing in each photo!