Welcome to Nursery
Thankyou for choosing Ladybrook Primary for your child's Nursery place. We are very pleased to have been able to offer you all your requested sessions at Nursery. We have children attending for 2,3,4 and 5 full days, as well as some children attending for 5 mornings. We have been very busy settling all the new children into Nursery routines and expectations indoors and outdoors. The children are all settling in well and having lots of fun in the process. They are actively learning through play developing many skills across the Foundation Stage curriculum. Our staff are getting to know all the unique and individual needs of the children and we are supporting their learning and development throughout our environment.
Spring Term
We have enjoyed lots of different learning activities this term. We have been imaginative making large floor pictures with shapes. We talked about the different shapes that we used.
The Naughty Bus
We enjoyed listening to the story of "The Naughty Bus" and were amazed when we found tracks around Nursery. We loved playing with vehicles in different messy materials, especially baked beans!
We enjoy learning outdoors:
We are all very proud of nursery this year. They have all grown up so much and many of them are moving on to Reception classes and our January starters are staying with us for another year meeting new friends. Here are a few photos of our classroom and the shared area in our Foundation Stage building.