
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

We are looking forward to working with you all this year! Keep an eye on this page for updates about our learning and useful information about what is happening in school. Pop back and visit us often to see what we have been up to!




Important information

Before / After school clubs



Miss Foley 

Mrs Lowrey - am only (SEND)

Outdoor PE

Karate (before)




Miss Foley

Mrs Lowrey - am only (SEND)


Performing arts



Miss Foley

Mrs Lowrey - am only (SEND)

Indoor PE




Miss Foley

Mrs Lowrey - am only (SEND)





Miss Foley

Mrs Lowrey -  (SEND)

Enrichment afternoon



Please remember:

* All uniform, PE kit, coats and wellies should be labelled.
* Coats, filled water bottles and book bags should be in school everyday.
Year 1 and 2 are provided with free fruit daily that they can choose for a snack at playtime. 

Autumn Term

This term our topic is linked to heroes, our history focus is Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. Over the course of the term I will add photos of our directed and independent learning tasks. 

Continuous Provision

You may hear some of your children talking about learning around the room, this means they are exploring areas laid out in our classroom to provoke learning through play and exploration. The resources are freely accessible to the children in the classroom during 'learning around the room time' and are changed weekly. The  resources in each area are engaging and relevant to our current learning. The aim is they challenge and promote critical thinking and problem solving, while remaining open-ended. 

Autumn continuous provision

Mary Seacole Workshop

This week year 1 had two special visitors who came to teach us about the life of Mary Seacole. We started off by making a timeline of the major events of her life. Then we learned some information about what life was like for Mary. We found out about the ship she sailed on to get to Crimea, the Hollander, and we acted out the ship along with a soundscape of the journey. Year 1 also helped to create a poem about the journey. We also acted out what it would have been like for Florence and Mary in the hospital and on the battlefield. Below are some photos of the visit.

Here is the link to the year 1 & 2 meet the parents presentation.
