It was a lovely, sunny summer holiday but we are so glad to be back in school and learning together. We are ready to do some awesome learning this term! We will add things to our page as we learn - the newest things will always be at the top - just below this message. Pop back and visit us often to see what we have been up to!
Let's Get Organised ...
Monday - Indoor PE (after Oct half term) Piano, hand in homework.
Tuesday - Receive new homework
Wednesday - Woodwind
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday... it's a surprise each week .... spellings tests and new spellings
Thursday - Guitar
Friday - Enrichment kit - until half term this is dance kit (time table to see what you need - here)
Book bags, reading books and diaries EVERY DAY!
It was lovely to see so many grown ups at our Welcome Evening but we understand not everybody was available to attend. Please find our information PowerPoint below if you were unable to come and see us in person.
Please enjoy looking at our photographs from our residential to Robinwood - we had an awesome time!
We enjoyed listening to a poem about a cat; one about the sun and another about life which made us all ponder a lot.
Year 6 were treated to a bit of Gothic poetry with the Raven by Edgar Allan Poe; a poem about being late to school (Year 6 obviously never are!) and one about a swimming frog that gets into a bit of trouble.
We had fun deciding which rules to break: lots of teachers came in jeans; children wore silly hair; had hair with no bobbles; wore trainers, sparkles, football kits etc etc!
Children decided to celebrate World Book Day by raising funds for the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. Year 4 designed publicity posters and organised a cake sale. School Council helped to sell all the cakes. We had so many contributions from Ladybrook families that we sold cakes for two days!
Children were asked to think of a word and dress as that word.
Following on from our fantastic two-minute talks last term, the children are all going to present a poem of their choice to the rest of the class. and talk about it. The choice of poems for the first talks has been spectacular!
We heard 'The Troll to her children' by Jane Yolen; Sick and Snowball by Shel Silvershine and 'Dog in the Playground' by Allan Ahlberg. We were surprised how just 16 words can create a picture of the past, the present and the future; how poetry can mean so much because it links to our own personal experiences and how witty and funny it can be!
We have enjoyed listening and reading poems about sugar; chewing gum; Mrs Butler; a variety of creatures including cats, worms and ant-eaters and a missing shoe! The variety has been amazing and we still have lots more to listen to. Well done children for sharing such a variety of poems and talking about them. You have identified different rhymes, assonance, personification, alliteration and repetition.
Remember that Poetry makes language a space of possibilities not just a set of rules.
We went to visit this fantastic festival this week. Year 5 and 6 went together and we travelled on the Yellow Brick Road meeting many fantastic people and creatures on the way. We found out how we can be brave, how to be wise and how to be kind and love each other. We made origami lions and walked through many different scenes including a field with a scarecrow in it; a forest with a tin man in it; the Emerald City and finally we met the Wizard of Oz. All in all, it was a really exciting afternoon especially meeting so many different witches - one of whom was a bit scary! We want to say a very big 'THANK YOU' to Calum Piper and everyone at St Michael's for working so hard to make our visit very memorable!
It has become a Year 6 Christmas tradition to bake Christmas cakes - yes, 30 individual ones! Starting from scratch with all the ingredients, mixed with a wish of love and kindness. All the cakes have been marzipaned and iced by each child. We were very impressed by the children's attitude to learning.
During the project we looked at ratio, proportion and cost in Maths, we combined DT and Maths by designing our own packaging and evaluating our end product. The children enjoyed making their cakes in food technology. We hope that you enjoy eating the Christmas cakes.
We have such a talented group of children in our class. We have dancers, actors, artists, footballers and a lot of devoted pet owners. Every talk has been different and interesting, even those who felt a bit shy standing in front of the class did a fantastic job. Well done to everyone! We are looking forward to the next presentations in the Spring term. Watch this space!
When Michael is washed up on an island in the Pacific after falling from his parents’ yacht, he struggles to survive on his own. But he soon realises there is someone close by, someone who is watching over him and helping him to stay alive. Following a close-run battle between life and death, the mysterious stranger – Kensuke – allows Michael into his world and they become friends, teaching and learning from each other, until the day of separation becomes inevitable.
In this theme, we will cover the whole curriculum but will have focus on science and geography. Michael spends some time in Brazil during his travels so we will be studying Brazil as part of our geography learning on South America. Of course, the Amazon River and Rainforest cover large areas of Brazil so this lends itself perfectly for our science learning about evolution, adaptation and inheritance. Look out for the mind-map of our planned learning to be coming home in our homework logs soon!
Each week three children give a short (two minute) talk to the whole class about something that they enjoy doing at home, a hobby or someone or something special to them... any topic really! So far we have found out that we have some awesome karate and taekwondo experts; skillful footballers; accomplished horse riders and talented anime artists. We have also seen great photos of and talks about a wonderful variety of pets - dogs, cats and hamsters.
After each talk, the speaker uses our lolly pop sticks to pick three members of the class at random. They ask three different questions about their talk to make sure that children have been listening carefully. Afterwards, children can ask the speaker further questions about their talk.