
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

How does Ladybrook work alongside parents/carers in discussions about and planning for a child’s education?

How will Ladybrook inform parents about progress?


• The support plan will be discussed with parents three times a year – at the beginning of each term.

• Parent interviews are held twice a year and there is an open evening at the end of each year.

• Reports are sent home twice a year – December and July, with interim targets at Easter.

• Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan will also have a formal annual review. If necessary an interim review can be held if there is a change of need or circumstance.

• The SENDCo does not teach her own class on Thursdays or Fridays and appointments can be made to discuss any issues during this time.

• The class teacher also dismisses children at the end of each day through the classroom doors and concerns can also be raised then if it is an appropriate environment to do so. The teacher will usually be able to chat with you at this time. However, they may ask you to visit at an alternative time if confidentiality is an issue or if other meetings have already been arranged for that time.

We also use termly assessments and the strengths and areas to develop will be shared with parents through reports. 




How will Ladybrook support parents/carers to help them support their child’s learning?


• The class teacher will suggest ways to help children at home. The SENDCo will also discuss the support plan and ways that you can help at home.

• If outside agencies are involved they may also have provided a plan of activities for home and school.

• Each term a summary of the skills to be covered that term is sent home – children with SEND often benefit from some prior discussion about new areas of learning and/or of new vocabulary that they will meet.

• All children have access to a mathematics ICT programmes at home that is tailored to a child’s needs. These are called ‘Mathletics’ and 'TimesTables Rockstars' - children will be given a lon-in to these resources.

• Children have spellings which are carefully differentiated to their needs.

• Our children follow an individualised reading programme and books sent home are, again, tailored to individual needs.


How does Ladybrook involve parents/carers in discussions about and planning for a child’s education?


• All parents are encouraged to participate in their children’s learning as a joint ‘adventure’.

• Advice and suggestions may be offered in a variety of ways:

participation in homework;

informal discussion;

during parent interviews; through written reports;

following discussions with the SENDCo;

via written reports from agencies;

and through home targets on the Support Plan.
