
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Keep an eye on this page for updates about our learning and useful information about what has been happening in school.  Please note, any new information is always added to the top of the page beneath the important information.


Important information


Monday- Mrs King and Mrs Lockett
Piano lessons

Tuesday- Mrs Poole and Mrs Lockett

Swimming (autumn term only)
Brass lessons

Wednesday- Mrs Poole and Mrs Lockett (am only)

Woodwind lessons

Thursday- Mrs Poole

Guitar and cello lessons

Friday- Mrs Poole 

Outdoor PE

Spelling test

Homework due and set

Enrichment afternoon


Please remember:

* All uniform, PE kit, coats and wellies should be labelled.
* Coats, filled water bottles and book bags should be in school everyday.
* For morning playtime children may bring 20p to spend at the tuckshop or bring their own healthy snack.

Welcome Meeting Notes- September 2022

Summer Term 1

Ancient Civilizations


During the summer term we are learning about the ancient civilizations of Ancient Sumer, The Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt and the Shang Dynasty.  We are finding out where in the world they were located and when they took place.  We are researching similarities and differences and what their greatest achievements were.  We are focusing mostly on Ancient Egypt.  In geography we are learning about rivers.  We are finding out about rivers locally but also the River Nile in Egypt.  In DT we are busy making models of shadufs and in art we are painting portraits of ourselves as pharaohs.  Our literacy work this term includes writing non-chronological reports about Tutunkhamun and historical stories about the Egyptian Cinderella.

The Coronation of Kings Charles III, May 2023- Parade and classroom activities

Spring Term

Angry Planet


This term we are learning about natural disasters all over the world, focusing in particular on those in Europe.  Our topic has got off to a fantastic start with a Freshwater Theatre drama workshop called, 'The Quest for Earthquakes and Volcanoes.'

Art- painting watercolour volcanoes

DT- jelly earthquakes!

Having fun in the Play Pod

DT- testing materials to find out which are waterproof

DT- Making our waterproof containers

PE- tennis coach sessions

Autumn Term

Going for Gold- Ancient Greece


We have begun our new topic by learning about the geography of Greece and thinking about what we already know about ancient Greece.  We have also started to talk about when ancient Greece was in relation to other periods of history.  Coming up, we will be placing significant events from ancient Greece on to our own timelines, learning about Greek gods and goddesses and enjoying Greek stories such as Pandora's Box and Perseus the Gorgon Slayer. We also have lots of exciting art work coming up so watch this space for more updates coming soon.  In the meantime, here we are working hard to produce our Year 4 self portraits...

History- Athens V Sparta group posters
