How will Ladybrook prepare and support a child joining the school or transferring to a new school?
Many strategies are in place for times of transition to make it as smooth as possible. These include:
- Discussions and sharing of information and paperwork between the previous and receiving establishments prior to the children joining/leaving. This is called a transition meeting.
- All children joining the school or moving from one year to another participate in transition sessions.
- Transition booklets can be provided for children who may require them which include photographs of their teachers and the environment in which they will be working.
- The head teacher and SENDCo are always willing to meet with new parents before they join the school to answer any questions or calm any worries.
- Secondary staff and past pupils visit before transition to secondary to see our children in their own environment. The primary children then spend a day at their new secondary school.
- The year 6 teacher and PBS teacher arrange small group transition activities before movement to secondary to allow open discussion of concerns.