Welcome to Year 4!
Keep an eye on this page for updates about our learning and useful information about what has been happening in school. Please note, any new information is always added to the top of the page beneath the important information.
Important information
Monday- Mrs King and Mrs Archer (afternoons)
Piano lessons
Tuesday- Mrs Poole and Mrs Archer (afternoons)
Brass lessons
Wednesday- Mrs Poole and Mrs Archer (afternoons)
Woodwind lessons
Thursday- Mrs Poole and Mrs Archer (afternoons)
Guitar and cello lessons
Friday- Mrs Poole and Mrs Archer (alternate Friday mornings)
Outdoor PE, spelling test, homework set, Enrichment afternoon
Please remember:
* All uniform, PE kit, coats and wellies should be labelled.
* Coats, filled water bottles and book bags should be in school everyday.
* There is no tuck shop currently so children may bring a healthy snack from home for playtimes.
Summer Term
Ancient Egypt
In place of this year's open evening we would like to use our space here to share a range of the learning that has taken place this term.
Parents/carers, we hope you enjoy seeing a sample of the children's work, which we have photographed and filmed, and that you feel as proud of them as we do. They have worked incredibly hard and have coped well with the unusual year we have had- again! In addition to the photographs and videos shared below (please use the link to view the videos https://ladybrook-primary-school-nursery.primarysite.media/playlist/year-4-summer-term-2021), each child has chosen one individual piece of work that they would like to share with you at home. These photographs can be found in Google Classroom.
Theme Week
As our Ancient Egypt topic drew to a close, we had a busy week celebrating Ladybrook's 50th birthday! Each class focussed on one decade between the 1970's and the present day. In Year 4 we found out about life in the 1990's. We researched toys, inventions, fashion and sport. We also made lava lamps, wrote raps and created 1990's inspired pop art. What a busy week!
Spring Term
Angry Planet!
It was lovely to return to school for the final three weeks of the spring term. Everyone was pleased to see each other again and to complete some of the activities that had been started remotely, including the Design Technology challenge to design a waterproof and watertight box to protect their precious belongings in the event of a flood. Prior to returning to school children had researched this project by thinking about what they would like to protect and testing a variety of materials to determine whether they were waterproof. Finally, they sketched out a diagram of what they would like their box to look like, as well listing materials and tools they would need. In school, children shared their plans with one another and set to work making, testing and evaluating. We also enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day before the Easter holidays.
Remote Learning
Wonderful Weekly Work
During lockdown I will use this space to share some fabulous examples of the work that our Year 4’s do - either at home or in our key worker group.
Autumn Term
Going for Gold- Ancient Greece
Our autumn term topic is now well underway. We have been busy learning about the geography of Greece and have worked together to understand when ancient Greece was in relation to other periods of history. We have placed significant events from ancient Greece on to our own timelines. We are currently busy learning about Greek gods and goddesses and enjoying Greek stories such as Pandora's Box and Perseus the Gorgon Slayer. Watch this space for more updates coming soon...
Superhero day!
Thank you Year 4 for your food and money donations for local food banks. You all looked fabulous and had a great day dressed as superheroes, marking how special people who help the community are.
Christmas 2020
Year 4 have worked extremely hard since September and to celebrate the end of term have enjoyed a brilliant Christmas party day!