
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Year 1 2021-2022

Welcome to Year 1!


Key information


Book check/change 



Indoor P.E


Outdoor P.E 




Individual/group reading 

Book check/change


Friday Enrichment programme 

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Year 1

Investigation Squad

(nothing needed) 

Sport (outdoor P.E kit used)




Forest School/ Gardening

(Old long sleeved top,

trousers and wellies needed)


(Outdoor P.E kit used)


(nothing needed)


(indoor P.E kit used)

World Book Day 

We had lots of fun on World Book Day. We were all very cosy in our pyjamas and we enjoyed sharing our favourite book with our friend and our Year 4 reading buddy.

Spring 1 

This half term we have been learning all about explorers. We looked at Neil Armstrong as he was the first man on the moon. We then linked other areas of our learning to space. In Literacy, we wrote our own versions of we're going on an alien hunt. We used our imagination to travel to Story World where we met Sally (who looked strangely like Miss Ridgway). She took us on an alien hunt around the school. We came across lots of obstacles. We also designed, made and evaluated our own moon buggies. We did this with a partner and we had lots of fun making them.

We went on a winter hunt and had fun in the snow

Beautiful Snowflakes

Autumn 2 - Our Trip to Portland Basin Museum 

Autumn 1


We had a wonderful first half term together. This half term we enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We also talked about who our heroes are and what makes us special. We looked at the human body and painted self portraits. 


We then went on to learn the story of Handa's Surprise. We impressed everyone in the Harvest Festival by retelling the story with actions. This helped us to write our own version of Handa's Surprise. Miss Ridgway and Mrs McCoy were SO impressed with our writing! 
