Here is some useful information about the year ahead:
Oral Health
On Tuesday 15th March the dental health nurse visited school. She explained how to look after our teeth and bodies. The children found out how many teeth they have as children and how many adult teeth they will get. They learnt about healthy and unhealthy food and what happens when you visit the dentist. In our classroom we have a health centre role play and they children are practising brushing large teeth with a toothbrush. If your child hasn't been to the dentist yet please can you make them an appointment. I know COVID stopped dental appointments going ahead which means some children have not yet visited a dentist.
Thank you
Miss Woodward
World Book Day 2022
We had lots of fun on World Book Day. We looked at our own favourite stories and wore our pyjamas. We watched and listened to Julia Donaldson tell us a few of her stories and the illustrators showed us how they drew the pictures. We then had a go at drawing the pictures from the story 'The Rhyming Rabbit'.
Mindfulness Morning
Reception have had a lovely morning completing games and mindfulness colouring. We practised how we can help ourselves feel calm and happy using breathing methods to help.
The Gingerbread Man
Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the story of The Gingerbread Man. We have re-told the story using actions and made our own story maps. This week we have been baking gingerbread men. After reading the story the children decided to make traps to stop them escaping from the oven when they were being baked. Next week we will be writing our own version of the story!
Zoo lab
We had a great afternoon with Zoo Lab today. We learnt all about the animals and insects. We got to hold and stroke a giant cockroach, a giant millipede, a giant snail and a snake. There was a tarantula and a tree frog but they had to stay in a box so we couldn't hurt them. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about the animals too. Here are some pictures from our afternoon.
Coffee morning for Children in Need
Thank you to everyone for helping us raise money for Children in Need. The children had a lovely week baking for it. They really enjoyed showing you around their classroom and sharing their learning journeys with you. We hope you had as much fun as we did!
We raised a total of £184! This is absolutely fantastic!
Thank you
Key words
We have been learning our key words over the past few weeks. We have now learnt:
Please can you practise reading and writing these words. Remember we CANNOT sound them out, we just need to know them.
Miss Woodward
Autumn 1
We have had a busy couple of weeks settling into our class. It has been lots of fun. Have a look at some pictures to see what we have been doing.
Have a lovely week off everyone and we will see you soon
Miss Woodward and Miss Singleton
What a busy morning we have had in Reception!
We came into school and there was a big crime scene. There was bricks, straw, sticks, footprints, a cauldron, bowls and plates! The chairs were knocked over and tape was up so we couldn't touch anything in case somebody thought it was us! After a long discussion and looking at clues we worked out it must have been the Big Bad Wolf. We read the story and made a story map so we could re-tell the story with actions.
We all made a WANTED poster to help find the wolf. Have a look at our pictures below!
When we arrived in school today we had a letter from the wolf. He told us he was sorry and tidied up the mess he made. He also drew a picture of what he looked like! Have a look at the photo below!
The children have had a fantastic week at school. They have been enjoying getting to know each other and making lots of new friends.
Here area few pictures from our first few weeks.