
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Nursery 2021-2022

Children in Need 2021

Thank you so much Nursery and Reception parents for your amazing support at our Children in Need "Stay'n'Play" sessions this week. We raised £180.00 for Children in need!

Nursery all enjoyed parents visiting and sharing their Learning Journeys and looking at their work on the Learning Walls. We have had a great week baking, making flapjacks, biscuits and brownies. The children enjoyed our two sessions to stay and play and parents all seemed to enjoy the coffee morning/afternoon.

Welcome to Nursery

We are very pleased to welcome all our families and children to Ladybrook Nursery. We are very busy helping all our new children to settle in to the Nursery environment. They are all enjoying exploring indoors and outdoors, having lots of fun and getting to know each other.
