
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6.


We are looking forward to working with you all this year! Keep an eye on this page for updates about our learning and useful information about what is happening in school.  Please note, any new information is always added to the top of the page beneath the important information.  Pop back and visit us often to see what we have been up to!


Important information

Mrs Woosnam and Mrs Poole share the week equally; Mrs Woosnam is at the beginning of the week until Wednesday lunch time and then Mrs Poole takes over until the end of the week. Mrs Woosnam is in school all week though if you ever need to speak to her. 




Important information

Before / After school clubs



Mrs Woosnam

Piano lessons

Hand in Maths and Reading homework

**Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday... it's a surprise each week .... spelling tests and new spellings**

Karate (before)





Mrs Woosnam

Indoor PE




Mrs Woosnam /

Mrs Poole

Woodwind lessons

Brass lessons




Mrs Poole

Outdoor PE

Guitar lessons

Grammar homework due in

Performing arts



Mrs Poole

Enrichment afternoon




Please remember:

* All uniform, PE kit, coats and wellies should be labelled.
* Coats, filled water bottles and book bags should be in school everyday.
* For morning playtime children may bring 25p to spend at the tuckshop or bring their own healthy snack.


Spring term

Welcome to the Spring Term! 

We have had a busy week this week: our first booster session, a Maths meeting for parents and sharing our learning in assembly! 

On Wednesday, some of our class led a Maths evening for parents. We delivered mini-maths lessons so that our grown ups at home know and understand the strategies that we have to understand. A lot of parents attended and gave us lots of positive feedback. The photographs below show us in action. The PowerPoint Mrs Poole and Mrs Woosnam used is to discuss the KS2 SATs at the beginning of the meeting is below. 

World Book Day 2025

Autumn term 

Our first theme is 'Across the Water'. This is based on the novel 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson. This is a  joyous Amazon adventure set in the lush nature of Brazil, Journey to the River Sea is filled with mystery and extraordinary characters.

Maia, an orphan, can’t wait to reach her distant relatives a thousand miles up the Amazon. She imagines a loving family with whom she will share great adventures. Instead she finds two spiteful cousins who see the jungle as the enemy and who refuse to go outdoors. However, the wonders of the rainforest more than make up for the difficult twins and their parents.

And when Maia meets a mysterious boy who lives alone on the wild river shores, she begins a spectacular journey to the heart of an extraordinary and beautiful new world.


During this theme, we will be studying the whole curriculum but we will have a core geography and science focus - studying South America with specific reference to Brazil and the city of Manaus; we will use the Amazon rainforest and river to support our learning in science - thinking about animal and plant adaptations and biomes. 

Our Christmas performance

'Christmas is Forever' - what a show! We hoped you enjoyed it if you came to one of our performances. We thoroughly enjoyed putting it together - including choreographing all of our own dances! We learned so much about ourselves... building confidence, developing oracy, exploring different options and making decisions, teamwork ..... the list goes on! 

Getting ready on show night ...

A few images from the night ....

Design Technology: Autumn 2 

Our DT this term was food technology. We researched Jamie Oliver as an inspirational figure- did you know he was dyslexic? 

Our final product was a Christmas cake but before we could make it, we completed a sensory assessment where we tasted lots of the raw ingredients - different fruits, treacle, golden syrup. This was important for decision making later on. We had to consider the needs of our class and allergies before assessing the recipe. 

Eventually we decided on our adaptations to the main recipe in groups and were able to make the cakes. In maths, we considered ratios when thinking about quantities and also considered nets of shapes when deciding on our packaging. 


In literacy, we have been writing balanced arguments. We considered whether schools do actually need a PTA (we do!). We thought about all of the reasons parents might not want to join and all of the reasons why they should join. We considered carefully all of the things that we have benefitted from in school because of the fundraising our PTA do and the benefits they bring to our Ladybrook community.  We used our ideas to create a video to send out to our parents to encourage them to join this much needed association.

You can view our video here 

Design Technology: Autumn 1

In DT, we created our beautiful topic books. We used tie-dying to create fabric covers and strengthened with cardboard. We decided our books would get quite heavy during the year as we collated our learning so we strengthened the spine further using plaited raffia. The finished products are really attractive but also durable for our needs. 



Meeting an author...

A young girl discovers that she is a logosalter and she must decide how to use her new powers. What’s a logosalter, you ask? Well, whenever you read a book and you feel sad, or angry, or happy, these emotions get stored in the book. A logosalter is a person who can unleash these stored emotions by jumping on a book with their bare feet.

What good is that? Well imagine if you could unleash courage on an army before they went into battle? Or if you could unleash fear on a Prime Minister before she made an important speech?

This year's most lauded and anticipated children's debut is 'Mayowa and the Sea of Words', written by Chibundu Onuzo. Author of three award-winning adult novels, including smash hit Sankofa, Chibundu is venturing into children's literature and to say she has taken to it like a duck to water would be more than an understatement. We've been lucky enough to meet her, discuss her ideas for the novel, listen to her new song - a sound track to the book,  and have her answer our questions. Thank you to Simply Books for inviting us and to St Michael's Church for hosting  - we thoroughly enjoyed it! 


We have completed an indoor block of Yoga. We learned 12 key poses and worked in pairs to create a 'flow'. We then joined another pair to teach each other our sequences. We used the iPads to evaluate and improve our work. Follow this link to see our flows so far ... HERE 

Parent information

Thank you to those parents who were able to come to our Year group meeting / curriculum reading information session. The presentations are attached here for your reference. 
