
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND/SEN had, or will be having?

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND/SEN had, or will be having?


We are a Dyslexic Friendly School and have been accredited with the Dyslexic Friendly Schools enhanced award from Stockport's Inclusion Service. Currently  we are the only Stockport school to have this award. This means all staff have been trained in recognising, supporting and creating Dyslexia friendly environments.  


All staff have completed the Autism in Schools project led by Stockport's Autism team. This was our focus for a whole year so that we could improve our understanding of neuro-diverse conditions; consider our teaching strategies and consider our environment. 


Different members of staff have received training related to other areas of SEND. These have included:

- A ten week course related to understanding and working with children with Autism.

- How to support children with ADHD.

- How to support children with speech and language difficulties

- How to support children with physical and co-ordination difficulties.

- How to support children dyslexia (ten week course).

- How to support children with sensory needs (hearing and vision)

- Adaptive Teaching

- Restorative Approaches 

- Team Teach 

- Autism in Schools NHS project 

- The SENDCo has been in role prior to the introduction of the SENDCo certificate, however has completed the ten week course accredited by MMU previously offered before the SENDCo certificate.

-Staff  have had training from Primary Inclusion to ensure smooth integration into mainstream school for children with additional needs

- Future training is planned for working with children with Downs Syndrome.


Mental Health and Well-being: 

Two senior Leaders have completed Greater Manchester Healthy Schools Training for children's mental health (complete package), two further staff have completed Greater Manchester Schools 2 day youth mental health training and two further staff have completed Greater Manchester Schools 1 day youth mental health training. Two further staff have completed a counselling course. One member of staff has completed an 8 week mindfulness with children course. 

