
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

How will Ladybrook support a child with SEND?

How will Ladybrook support a child with SEND? 


  • Once it is decided that a child has additional needs, a SEND support plan will be co-produced with parents and agencies. The class teacher will take the lead, using advice from the SENDCo where necessary. We will adapt the curriculum, the delivery of the curriculum according to the needs of the child. This may include additional support from the class teacher, the SENDCo or a teaching assistant in class. This will identify targets and identify strategies which can be used at home and at school to achieve those targets. A copy will be provided for parents and this will be reviewed throughout the year.
  • If need is more specific such as spellings, handwriting, numeracy, literacy, fine or gross motor etc, then the pupil may be placed in a small support group run by the teacher or SENDCo with the support of a teaching assistant. The length of time of the intervention will vary according to need but will be regularly reviewed to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning. Interventions will be recorded on a whole school provision map (this is a record of all interventions run within school).
  • Pupil progress meetings are held each term. This is a meeting of all staff to discuss their classes and individuals who may be experiencing difficulties. These are monitored by the school leadership team. Strategies for good practice are shared. Further support can be planned.
  • Occasionally a child may need more expert support from outside agencies such as a therapy team, paediatrician, educational psychologist, behavioural support etc. A referral will be made with your consent and forwarded to the appropriate agency. After a series of assessments, a programme of support may be provided to the school and parents/carers.


How will Ladybrook’s curriculum match the needs of children with SEND?


• When a child has been identified with having SEND, their learning will be monitored by the class teacher to enable them to access the curriculum more readily. All children have adapted work to meet their needs, however in cases of children with SEND, this could be adapted further. It may be that children requiring additional support are assessed using a progress tracker or follow an earlier curriculum whilst covering the same topics as their peers.

• Teaching assistants may be allocated to work with the pupil in a 1:1 or small group situation to target more specific needs. Team teaching at specific times of the year will allow the teacher to withdraw individuals or small groups for concentrated target teaching.

• If appropriate specialist equipment will be given to the child to support their learning e.g. sloping writing frames, sensory cushions, different styles of writing equipment, sprung scissors, coloured overlays/coloured paper etc.


What support will there be within Ladybrook for a child’s overall well-being?


• At Ladybrook, the well-being and pastoral support of all children is our priority. Throughout the school there are a number of strategies in place to develop the relationships between older children and younger children.

• The school council allows all pupil voices to be heard.

• Beyond this, for children with SEND, there are further opportunities available:

 - All members of staff are readily available for children and families to discuss areas of concern.

- We have access to the Inclusion Service and Primary Jigsaw to support children having additional emotional difficulties.

- School can access support from Young Carers, a support network for siblings of children with SEND.

- Children with medical needs will also have the support of the school nurse.

- Staff have had support in recognising and dealing with asthma, in the use of epi-pens for children with severe allergies and in working with children with diabetes 

- We have trained first aiders.

- Medicine will be administered with the written consent of a parent using the school medical form. This will be administered by two members of staff to check the identity of the child, the medicine and the dosage.

