
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 5 Virtual Learning

Year 3 Learning Tasks Week beginning 6th July 2020 


Monday 29th June 2020  


Reading: 15 minutes to yourself, spend some time explaining to your grown up what you have read. What happened in the part you read. Can you predict what might happen next?


Spelling : Choose one of the activities to practise this week’s spelling words.


Literacy: Have a go at the National Writing Day challenge. Link here Complete activity 1. 


Maths:  This week we are working on geometry. Today our focus is on 2D shapes. The maths will be split into bronze, silver gold so choose the tasks.


Bronze maths - page 4-8 of the bronze maths booklet

Silver maths - Page 9-12 of the silver maths booklet

Gold maths - Page 4-7 of the gold maths booklet


Useful video links:

2D shapes


parallel and perpendicular

What is a right angle.

Recognising 2D Shapes


Topic Gepgraphy: Today we will be finding out about the oceans of the world. Do you know what they are called and where they are? Can you look at a map/globe/atlas and see where the different oceans are? There are 5. Can you find them all? 

Follow the bitesize lesson on the oceans, you do not need to print out the map, just see if you can name the oceans without looking at the labels. There is also a link to a catchy song to help you learn about the oceans. 

Lesson links:

Oceans lesson

Oceans song

Oceans and Continents


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:




Tuesday 30th June 2020  


Reading: 15-20 minutes to yourself - did you find any new words that you did not understand? Can you choose 3 new words if you found them and find out what they mean?


Grammar: Sentence types. Watch the videos about the different types of sentences - command, statement and exclamation. Complete the types of sentences activity in the classroom.



How to write statement sentences

How to write command sentences

How to write exclamation sentences


Maths: This week we are working on 2D and 3D shapes

Bronze maths - page 15-17 of the bronze maths booklet

Silver maths - Page 19-21 of the silver maths booklet

Gold maths - Page 8-10 of the gold maths booklet


Useful video links:

3 D Shapes

Properties of 3D shapes

Recognising 3D shapes


Topic Geography: Following on from yesterday’s learning about the oceans can you have a go at the oceans quiz in the classroom. 


Ocean Art project:

Following the work on oceans I would like you to have a go at an  ocean inspired craft activity. There are some video links here and ideas in the classroom or you may have your own ideas. 

I will share your finished art in an art gallery on Monday 13th July. 


Ocean craft ideas for children

Origami sea creatures

Ocean themed activities


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:




Wednesday 1st July 2020 


Reading: 15-20  minutes to yourself, ask a parent to ask you five questions that really make you think. 

Have a look at our class plastic pollution stories. Don’t forget to leave your feedback for your friends.


Spellings: Ask a grown up to test you.

Write out a sentence for your new spellings. 

New spelling list in Google Classroom, this week there is a choice of gold or silver. We will be focusing on Year 3 / 4 key words and common exception keywords this term. 


Literacy: Have a go at the National Writing Day challenge. Link here Complete activity 2. 


Maths: This week we are working on 3D shapes. The maths will be split into bronze, silver gold so choose the tasks.


Bronze maths - page 18-20 of the bronze maths booklet

Silver maths - Page 22-24of the silver maths booklet

Gold maths - Page 14-16 of the gold maths booklet


Useful video links:


3 D Shapes

Properties of 3D shapes


Topic Geography: 

Last week you learned about the UK. Today I would like you to have a go at someone elses UK quiz and see if you can answer their questions. Use your own research to help you. Feel free to leave feedback on the class comments section about which quiz you enjoyed.


Ocean Art project:

Spend some time planning your ideas.



Ocean craft ideas for children

Origami sea creatures

Ocean themed activities


Computing: Check your email


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:





Thursday 2nd July 2020


Reading:  Comprehension - Choose one of the following 

Harder comprehension - Read the extract from ‘The Hundred Mile an Hour Dog’  and complete the quiz and the further questions. Link here

Easier Comprehension - Read the story in Google classroom - Mr Underbed. Complete the task linked to the character in the story. 


Spellings: Choose one of the spelling practice ideas from Google Classroom.


Literacy: Have a go at the National Writing Day challenge. Link here Complete activity 3. 


Maths: This week we are working on position, direction and /or coordinates. The maths will be split into bronze, silver gold so choose the tasks.

Bronze maths - page 29-31 of the bronze maths booklet

Silver maths - Page 31-33 of the silver maths booklet

Gold maths - Page 21-23 of the gold maths booklet



Spend some time on your project 


Computing: - any unfinished modules /  Lesson 10:


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:




Friday 3rd July 2020 


Reading: Read aloud to someone in your household for 10-15 minutes. Before you start, tell them about your book and what it is about. When you have finished see if you can ask them some questions about your reading to check they have been listening closely!


Handwriting: It has been a while since we have practised our joins but I can see from a lot of the work you have been sharing that most of you have remembered your letter formation. Using the sheet in the classroom can you practise your handwriting. 


Literacy: Have a go at the National Writing Day challenge. Link here Complete activity 4. Upload your finished challenges. I will share them next week. 



In maths today you are focusing on patterns.

Bronze you will complete the pattern work on pages 32-34

Silver/Gold you will have a go at the triangle investigation. 


Topic: Art project.


French: Continue to revise numbers and greetings today. Follow the links for some interactive French games.


Weekly check-in Questionnaire: in Google Classroom


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:


