
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 14 Home Learning Week Beginning 20.07.20

Wow! You have done it - you have got to the last week of your time at Ladybrook, the end of primary school and the last week of your home-learning. We are so proud of you all. You will certainly be the class that we don't forget - what an unusual year we have shared. You have shown great resilience and maturity - I know there will have been ups and downs, perhaps days that didn't go so well, but we have done it - and you have done it well! We know that you will start high school and your new adventures with enthusiasm and excitement.... and that's how it should be. You are all ready for your next chapter. At the minute, this next chapter is unwritten - it is a whole lot of blank pages waiting to be filled so I want you to do your utmost to make the most of every opportunity, to always do your best, to believe in yourselves and make your next chapter one you will always be proud of.

Love to you all

Mrs W and Mrs R xx

This week's learning:


Learning Tasks Week beginning 13th July 2020 

Monday 20th July 2020  


On Friday, I asked you to make sure the following tasks were handed in - 

Nutrients poster, 

Ickabog Front cover (Thursday / Friday Group we did this task in school), 

Planning sheet 

Some of you haven’t handed them in - your first job is to please check you have done this so I don’t have to chase you for them!


Reading : The Ickabog Chapter 29 and 30 Just what is making Mrs Beamish worry?

(Mrs W’s Friday group may have to read chapter 28 as well if you didn't do it over the weekend!)



In school/ keyworker - persuasive leaflets 

At home - The Spag Bol Murder! Can you use your Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) skills to find the murderer? Full details in Google Classroom! There will be a  clue or two per day this week! This will be a great task to get all of the family involved in as it is the last week; it might make your brain ache!!!


Maths: I have put a selection of open-ended maths challenges in Google Classroom to finish the year off using the skills we have developed - choose at least one per day


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but VERY beneficial:




Tuesday 21st July 2020  


There is a letter for you in Google Classroom today - please read it with your parents


Reading: The Ickabog Chapter 31 / 32 The butcher thought nobody knew about his meeting …. 



In school/keyworker, complete persuasive writing 

At home: Solve the next clue in the Spag Bol murder - clue in Google Classroom


Maths: I have put a selection of open-ended maths challenges in Google Classroom to finish the year off using the skills we have developed - choose at least one per day




Wednesday 22nd July 2020 


Reading: The Ickabog Chapter 33 / 34 It is King Fred’s turn to be worried



Monday / Tuesday home group: Solve final clue in Spag Bol Murder and hopefully reveal the murderer! Last clue in Google Classroom. I will give you the answers in school tomorrow so come prepared to tell me who you thought it was! 

Monday / Tuesday school / Keyworker group: Start SPag Bol Murder Mystery - first two clues in Google Classroom. This will be a great task to get all of the family involved in as it is the last week!


Maths: I have put a selection of open-ended maths challenges in Google Classroom to finish the year off using the skills we have developed - choose at least one per day


Beat the teacher: Today is the last day to submit your scores


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:




Thursday 23rd July 2020


Reading: The Ickabog - chapter 35 / 36 What is Spittleworth’s proposal?

Over the holiday, I recommend you keep reading a couple of chapters a day - you have all developed such good reading habits it would be great to keep them up. The book will remain on-line for most of the holiday but not all so I suggest you finish it sooner rather than later. It will be published in hardback / paperback around October time. 



At school:Persuasive Writing 

At home/keyworker: Solve final clues in Spag Bol Murder and hopefully reveal the murderer! Final clues in Google Classroom. I will give you the answers in school tomorrow so come prepared to tell me who you thought it was! 


Maths: I have put a selection of open-ended maths challenges in Google Classroom to finish the year off using the skills we have developed - choose at least one per day




Friday 24th July  


AM Prepare for the party!

PM Attend the party! Remember to bring your clear white shirt / T-shirt to be signed and your own lunch picnic. 


No weekly check-in this week! 
