
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 10 Virtual Learning (22.06.20)

Good morning my lovelies! Did you all have a nice weekend? What did you get up to? I went for a bbq in my dads garden which was lovely.

I just wanted to send you a message about next week. As you know the children that are returning to school next week have had to be split into groups of up to 8. Which means, as much as I would have absolutely loved to have had you all with me. Unfortunately, I could not. However, we are very lucky to have Mrs Morrison working with our Year 1 groups. To the children that are a butterfly with Mrs Morrison, you know how lovely she is so have nothing to be worried about. It will also be nice for you to get to know her before year 2. Her bubble is also going to be near our craft workshop so I will still be able to see you and talk to you on the days that you are in. I will also be there to greet you in the mornings. I can’t wait to see you!! 😁 Things will be a little bit different but we will help you get used to the new routine. I will also put some pictures of our classroom onto google classroom for you this week. 

To the children who are in the key worker groups, I will wave to you when you are in and come and speak to you from a distance 😁


To the children staying at home, I will keep in contact with you via google classroom and questionnaires, I will be thinking of you and I will see you soon. 😁

I will still be putting daily check ins on google classroom this week. 

I hope you have a lovely week, don’t worry about anything, if you have any questions just ask. 

miss you all


Miss Ridgway 



Monday 22nd June 2020  


Literacy:  Write a couple of sentences in your book about what you did over the weekend or what you did last week and draw a picture. Don’t forget capital letters, full stops and nice neat handwriting. 


Phonics: Go onto phonics bloom / phase 5/ odd and bob - click here 


Maths: We are going to continue with arrays today. Please watch the BBC bitesize video (click here), do activity 1 and activity 3. I have put activity 3 in a document for you below as I have removed some questions (the arrays weren’t straight and looked quite confusing). Just do as many as you can. I have also added the video and Powerpoint that I put on the website on Friday for you in case you need a recap.   


Other activities: 

Complete an Andy’s Wild workout. 


Continuing with our food topic from last week. Where oh where is your local shop? Can you draw a map from your house to the local shop? (make it as simple or as complicated as you want to). I have put some examples below.  


Can you make a tiny fruit/ veg monster? What could you use? - you can put your creation on the google classroom stream if you like. 


Practise your spellings using the triangle method - please look at the sheet provided.  


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics bloom 

Teach your monster to read 

Phonics play 

Veg/fruit monsters

examples of maps

Tuesday 23rd June 2020  


Literacy: Read your reading book and get an adult to ask you some questions. I will put an example of some questions you can ask. 


Or log onto Oxford Owl, they have a selection of ebooks and a ‘quiz’ at the end. I will put the link to Oxford owl here. You may have to sign up but it is free and they have a great selection of books on there. Just choose Oxford reading tree - ebooks - level - Oxford level - then whichever level your child is currently on (check the back of their school reading book). If you do the activities linked to the book press the tick button at the bottom to see if they have the answers correct before they move onto the next question. 


Phonics: Roll and read common exception words sheet 2. 


Maths:  Please complete the array worksheet. The answers are on the sheet below. Use the videos and Powerpoint from yesterday if you need a recap. 


Other activities: 


Complete a cosmic kids yoga activity


Today we are going to look at the work of Giuseppe Archimboldo. Please look at the Powerpoint below. He is a very famous artist who used food to make his art. Today I would like you to appreciate and review one of his pieces of work. The sheet is below. I have set up a folder for you on google classroom for you to put your work in that is related to Giuseppe Archimboldo. 


Complete a lego activity


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics play 


Teach your monster to read 


Wednesday 24th June 2020 


Literacy:  Please ask a grown up to test you on your previous spellings in the back of your yellow spelling book. Please copy your new spellings onto a clean page at the front of your yellow spelling book. Choose 5 of your new spellings and put them into a sentence in your blue literacy book. Remember capital letters and full stops. 


New Spellings: 













Phonics: Please complete the spelling activity sheet ie. 



Have a go at the mathletics activities I have set today. 

Other activities:  


Today I would like you to make your own fruit face. Please look at the Powerpoint from yesterday for examples if you wish. I have added a Powerpoint today for you to give you an idea of how you can make your own. Please add your creations to the Giuseppe Archimboldo folder on google classroom. I’m looking forward to seeing your artwork.  


Have a go on numbots today 


Read your reading book to your parents or friend (over facetime). 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics bloom 

Teach your monster to read 

Phonics play 

Thursday 25th June 2020


Literacy - please complete the id and ig handwriting sheet that is in your home learning pack. I have also added a picture below. 


Phonics: Please watch the videos and complete the activities - click here


Maths: Have a go at the mathletics activities I have set today. 


Other activities:  


Log onto and complete the next level 


Life cycle of a butterfly - to help us with our next piece of literacy work. I would like you to find out about the life cycle of a butterfly. Please don’t write about what happens as we will be doing this in our literacy topic. I have added a video and a powerpoint for you to look at. Please then complete the butterfly life cycle sheet. 


Can you help to make your lunch today? You could try making a funky sandwich. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:


Oxford owl 

Funky sandwiches

Friday 26th June 


Literacy - Today we are going to look at explanation texts. We are going to see WMG (What Makes a Good) explanation text. I have added a PowerPoint for you which explains what an explanation text is, the WMG and has some examples for you to highlight.


Parents you can print it and they can colour it in or you can take a picture of it/ screenshot it and then edit it in pictures which allows you to highlight. 


Once you have highlighted the set of instructions, I would like you to 'hand in' your work. You do this by clicking on the PowerPoint 'view assignment'  then go to 'your work' then click 'add' then select and add the picture. If your child has printed off and coloured it then please take a picture of it. I have put it on google classroom for you. 



Phonics:  complete the phonics mat. If you can’t print please go onto phonics play/ resources/ phase 4/ rocket rescue / phase 4. Click here


Maths: Have a go at some of the multiplication word problems. You can use the grouping method or the array method to help you work out the answer. The extra tasks are optional. 


Other activities:  


Complete a just dance activity on youtube.


This term our enrichment should have been forest school and gardening. Go outside and go on a  nature scavenger hunt. I have put the list below. 


Weekly check-in:  Please fill in your weekly check in. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics play 


Teach your monster to read


Have a lovely weekend,

See you soon 😁 


Miss Ridgway 
