
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 6 Virtual Learning

Summer Week 4



Today in the classroom we have a Science task and the weekly questionnaire, please take a minute to fill it in with your grown up. Can you also please make sure that you check in on the class stream as it is a special stream today.



We have already learnt about the different parts of a plant and what plants need to grow. Our next step is to think about the life cycle of a plant. 

1. Use the videos to  help you understand the life cycle of a plant.
2. Open the  Activity Sheet pdf - here there are some ideas for presenting your own life cycle of a plant. 
I have included an examples to give you an idea for presentation, there are lots of ideas on the activity sheet or you might have your own ideas. 


There are no other new tasks today so you can catch up on any work you missed this week or your reading , TT Rocks, Mathletics or practising your spellings.


Have a lovely weekend.


Today we are going to continue thinking about zoos after our check in yesterday. Most of you disagreed with the statement. In the classroom I have included some information on zoos and there are some videos too that explain how zoos started. For your literacy task I want you to come up with two lists. A list of reasons why zoos are a good thing and a list of reasons why keeping animals in zoos might be a bad thing.


In maths I have collected all of the information about your shoe sizes from Monday and put it in a table. I want you to sort the data into a tally chart so you can then draw it into a pictogram and think of some questions to ask about your chart. This is quite a long task so it is for today and  tomorrow. You might want to do your tally and pictogram today and your questions tomorrow.


Do you remember Heidi, Mrs Archers daughter the archaeologist that came to visit? She has sent a challenge for you to do if you would like to give it a go. 


I hope you are all well today, the weather looks brighter so hopefully you can get out doors for some activity, I know a few of you have been doing our scavenger hunts weekly. If you have any ideas to add onto next weeks hunt let me know in the comments on the Scavenger hunt task.



Continuing on from our check in yesterday about zoos, it is clear lots of you have your own opinions on whether zoos can be good or bad. Click on the link and watch the videos about zoos and follow the links about the endangered animals. Also read the information about zoos sheet, some of the statements agree that zoos are good for animals, some of the statements disagree and think that animals should not be kept in zoos. The statements are all muddled up so you have to decide as you are reading them if they are positive  or negative.


Can you use what you found out and what you know already to make a list of reasons for and against having zoos. You can type up your ideas in the Google doc provided or make your own mind map/table of ideas on paper.


See if you can come up with reasons for and reasons against. There are some facts about zoos included to help you. Please do not just copy off the sheet/ website. Watch and read the information first then use what you have learned to write your ideas.



Do you remember I asked about your shoe sizes? Today you are going to use this information to create your own pictogram. 
There are 3 parts to the task.
Task 1 - use the information to create a tally chart of the shoe sizes of year 3. - If you did not do Tuesdays maths you may want to go back and have a look as it explains Tally charts.
Task 2 - Use the tally chart to draw your own pictogram - (Monday/Tuesdays maths)
Use the key - 1 shoe for 1 child, 2 shoes for 2 children, like you did with the flowers on Tuesday.
Task 3 - can you come up with 4 questions about the information collected that can be answered using your pictograph, can you answer your own questions?


Heidi's Dig Tale Challenge.

This is a new fun challenge for any of you who want to give it a go - check with your adults first please before you start raiding the kitchen!
As you know Mrs Archers daughter Heidi is an archaeologist and every Monday she posts an Archaeology Monday post on social media to tell others interesting facts about history/archaeology digs etc. This week she posted a mini Stonehenge that she had recreated using chocolate fingers, she thought it might be something Year 3 might be interested in trying while you are at home so she messaged Mrs Archer and passed on the task. 
The challenge she has set is to recreate a famous building/landmark using food. 
If you fancy having a go at the task upload any photos here as I know Heidi would love to see them.



Today you have maths in the form of Mathletics, the tasks link to the data handling work we have been doing so if you have not done that yet maybe go back to Monday / Tuesday to help you out.


In Literacy you have a game, you need at least one person to play with you. It’s is all about talking and expressing your opinion about different topics. You may want to include facts to back up your point of view. Remember opinions are what people think and facts can be proved. I learnt lots of facts about you all yesterday. 


Thank you for all the entries in the art challenge the closing date was last Friday sorry if you missed it, I will have another challenge soon. I have put all the entries I received together for you to see. Your task is to have a look at all of the entries and vote for your favourites, you can vote 3 times make sure you explain why you made your choices. 



Follow the instructions on the game, can you use what you know and your own experiences to come up with convincing arguments for or against some of the given scenarios. 

For the game you need an adult / sibling / family member to play with you, the grid on a screen and a 6 sided dice or 6 pieces of paper with the numbers 1-6 on that you can turn over instead of a dice.

If you have no one to play the game with or are working alone - choose 3 statements that you feel strongly about and write 2 reasons for each one on why you agree or disagree with the subject.


The discussion game

You need to find an adult/sibling/family member to play this game. 
1. Roll a 6 sided dice – this number will be the column you will choose from 
2. Roll the dice again, this will be the row you will choose. 
3. Where the column and row meet will be your discussion topic. 
4. Each person has to think of two reasons in favour of or against the topic and discuss 
what they think about it. Do you agree or disagree? Can you explain why. 
5. Can you use facts and opinions to help you explain what you think or feel. 
6. Whoever comes up with the most convincing argument wins a point. 
7. Choose a new topic to discuss. 
This is a discussion game so you do not need to write anything down. The idea is you practise giving your own opinion and talking about how you feel about different issues.  You might not always agree with someone about something and that is alright.  




Today's maths is the data related tasks I have set you on Mathletics. 
Last week our Mathlete was William .
This week our Mathlete is currently Iona.
Well done guys.
Please take some time to go onto Mathletics each week and complete the follow up tasks I am setting. 


Art Voting

Thank you to all of you who made a toilet roll design for our Art challenge. I have put them all together so you can see them. Can you vote on your favourite designs? You can choose up to 3 ( do not choose your own!) I will let you know the most popular choices at the end of the week and the winning designs will go on our class web page gallery.


If you complete your tasks then continue with any tasks from the beginning of this week you have not finished or any of the following:

Practise this week's spellings

TT Rockstars.

Read your reading book.

Use google Maps to try and find some of the map symbols you drew yesterday - are there any in Bramhall.

Use Google Earth to look for some places you have visited.



Thank you for the shoe sizes  information in your check in yesterday, if you did not get to fill in your shoe size yesterday please add it to the list so we can use the information for Wednesday's maths.


Today's maths follows on from yesterdays maths so if you did not get a chance to look at that yesterday you  may want to start there. You are continuing looking at data and how we organise data that has been collected so we can see it clearly. Today you will collect information about flowers using the sheets provided. Before you start make sure you watch the handy videos to explain how and why we collect data.


In Literacy we will start to look at writing one sided arguments so today we will be focusing on understanding what the difference is between facts and opinions. 


I have also included Geography following on from the map work you did last week. This week you will be finding out about map symbols and why they are useful on a map.


All work is in the Google Classroom.



In literacy we are going to be looking at biased (one sided) arguments in writing. To start us off we are going to learn about facts and opinions. Do you know the difference between to two? Look at the PDF sheet and videos, feel free to sing along and dance!  Can you tell the difference between a fact and an opinion? 
Once you have used the information complete the activity about facts and opinions.
You can type directly onto the sheet.



Before you start the activity watch the videos about collecting data, making a tally and showing the data in a chart. You could also have a go at playing the games.
Using the sheet can you count how many of each flower there are, can you record your information in a tally chart either on the sheet provided or in your blue book. 
Then use the information to draw your own pictograph. 
Once you have completed your pictograph use the information to answer the questions. 
The work can be completed on the sheet, in your blue book or online directly on the document - the tally will need to be drawn separately.



You will need to do some research for this task either using maps you may have at home or using the following websites to help you. When you look at a map, certain buildings and places are represented by symbols or abbreviations ( shortened versions of the name)  so anyone looking at the map can see where they are. These symbols are the same on all maps so they are easily recognisable.

Why do maps use symbols?
Maps often use symbols instead of words to label real-life features and make the maps clearer. With so many features on a map, there would not be enough space to write everything down in words.
Symbols can be small pictures, letters, lines or coloured areas to show features like campsites, youth hostels or bus stations. If you look closely at a map, you will see that it is covered in symbols. There will usually be a key next to the map to tell you what the symbols mean.

Can you find out what the symbols or letters for the following places look like?
Write the word neatly into your book then carefully draw the matching symbol or letters.
fire station
church with a spire
information centre
train station
picnic site
walk or trail



Happy Monday Year 3. I hope you all enjoyed your bank holiday weekend and any VE Day activities, I have included a video of Sydney playing 'We'll Meet Again' on the guitar. Great playing Sydney. There's also a photo of Zara's scones she made after the maths recipe problem solving on Friday on our classroom stream in Google classroom.

In the classroom today we have Spellings, Maths and Computing. This week our maths focus is on data and statistics. For the check in today I am going to collect some information that we can use later on in the week in maths. 


Monday Maths

This week's maths will be about data. To start us off I want you to look at the pictograms attached. A pictogram shows the results of some data ( information) that has been collected. The pictograms show how many people like/prefer something. Use the pictograms to answer the questions, look carefully each picture might not mean one person. The sheets start easier but get harder.

The pictograms can be found in Google Classroom.


Monday Literacy

Today we should be doing spellings so you need to complete your spelling test for the last set of spelling words -  Words ending with the /g/ sound spelt ‘–gue’ and the /k/ sound spelt ‘–que.’  These words are French in origin.  
Can you ask another person to test you at the back of your usual spelling book. 

The new spelling list is below.  Words with the /s/ sound spelt ’sc’ which is Latin in its origin. 

Can you copy your new spellings very carefully into your blue book. The tasks today are based around your spellings.

1. Arrange the spellings into alphabetical order.

2. Can you write or draw the meaning of each new word - use the quiz to help you.
(Silver choose the 7 words you feel most confident learning)
(Gold use all words - are there any other words you know that fit the pattern?)

3. Can you write 5 sentences using some/all of your words - remember your neat handwriting and punctuation, I have notices some of you seem to be rushing a little with your presentation and writing in pen, please write in pencil if you have one. 

4. Challenge - When you have written your 5 sentences can you go back and make 2 improvements to each sentence to make them more interesting. Think about our 'WHITE BUS' words to help you out.
Silver - Choose 5-7 words to focus on.
Gold - All words












This week I would like you to look at Your login is in your blue book.
There are 2 tasks, I can see that some of you have already completed task 1 - Debugging a Maze. 
If you have done this no need to repeat it.
Task 1 - Debugging a maze
Debugging is an essential element of learning to program. In this lesson,you will encounter puzzles that have been solved incorrectly. You will need to step through the existing code to identify errors, including incorrect loops, missing blocks, extra blocks, and blocks that are out of order
You might become frustrated with this lesson because of the essence of debugging. Debugging is a concept that is very important to computer programming. Computer scientists have to get really good at facing the bugs in their own programs. Debugging forces people to recognize problems and overcome them while building critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Task 2 - Collecting treasure with Laurel
In this series of puzzles,you will continue to develop your understanding of algorithms and debugging. With a new character, Laurel the Adventurer, you will create sequential ( in a sequence or order) algorithms to get Laurel to pick up treasure as she walks along a path.
In this lesson, you will be practising  programming skills using a new character, Laurel the Adventurer. When someone starts programming they piece together instructions in a specific order using something that a machine can read. Through the use of programming, you will develop an understanding of how a computer follows instructions and order. 
