
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 9 Virtual Learning 15.06.20

Good morning Year 2. I hope you had a lovely weekend - it was nice to see the sun return wasn't it. Thank you for sharing some of your learning with me last week. Don't forget there is a link on Google Classroom to share this week's work. I will let you know which tasks I would like you to upload. Like always, if you would like to upload more for me to see, you are very welcome to.


Here are your tasks, I hope you enjoy doing them. Don't forget the daily check in on Google Classroom too.

Have a lovely week.

Learning Tasks Week beginning 15th June 2020 

Monday 15th June 2020


Time to think: Play with a toy today that you haven’t played with for a while.



Over the next 2 weeks I would like you to write your part of The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. We will write a small part of this each day so by Friday you will have written the chapter.

If you need a reminder of the story, please watch the video of me reading the book again.

Your part is going to be about dark being magical. Think of the magical things that happen at night - Father Christmas delivers presents, the tooth fairy collects our teeth in exchange for money and the Easter bunny brings us chocolate! 

For your part of the story, Plop is going to fly down and meet one of these characters. This week we will plan the story together - a section at a time. Today I would like you to decide who you would like your magical character to be. Think about what they look like, what might they be wearing, how they might talk or move, are they alone or is there someone with them? I have attached a planning sheet below and also put one into Google Classroom.


Please practise list 30 spellings today. I have attached 2 different worksheets for each stage similar to the ones we used to put in your yellow spelling book. These are below and also in Google Classroom.



Over the next 2 weeks we are going to focus on multiplication and division. I know lots of you are working very well through learning your multiplication facts using TTRS. It is important to develop an understanding of what multiplication means. Today we are going to learn about the link between multiplication and repeated addition. Please click on this link to watch this White Rose video - it is

Summer Term week 5 lesson 1 - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol.

Your follow up work is here - please click here.

If you would like more of a challenge, I have attached further activities below. 



I have sent you all your username and password for on Google Classroom. Please log on and have a go at completing your next activity. We haven’t done it for a while so you may want to start with one of the first tasks. Parents I have attached a letter below which gives more information.


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

TTRockstars or Numbots


Reading for 20 minutes and then discuss your book


Design a game to play with your family

Design an obstacle course 

Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for a while

Find a quiet place to sit and sketch what you can see



Tuesday 16th June 2020

Time to think: Ask someone how they are today.


Literacy - today is day 2 of planning your story. I would like you to think about where Plop meets the character. This is your setting. When Plop flies down from the tree, he always goes to a different place. How does Plop leave the tree? Does he glide, swoop, fly - can you think of your own verb to describe his journey? When Plop arrives at the place, this is known as a setting and it is important you describe it to the reader. 

This will be different depending on which character you have chosen. It might be a chimney on the roof of a house, a fireplace, a window ledge, a garden or anywhere else you decide. When you describe it, think about your senses - what can you see, hear, smell, feel or taste (this can be a tricky one). I have attached a planning sheet below with some examples as well as one in Google Classroom.



We are going to continue learning about multiplication. Watch this video - Summer Term week 5 lesson 2 Using arrays. 

Then click here to complete the activity.


PE - Cosmic Kids Yoga Click on this to take you to Tallulah the Owlet!


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

TTRockstars or Numbots


Reading for 20 minutes and then discuss your book


Design a game to play with your family

Design an obstacle course 

Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for a while

Find a quiet place to sit and sketch what you can see


Wednesday 17th June 2020 


Time to think: Do something today that will make someone smile.


Literacy - today think about what your character might be doing when they meet Plop. Does Plop see Father Christmas eating a mince pie? Does he catch the Easter bunny hiding chocolate and perhaps eating some at the same time? Perhaps the tooth fairy drops the tooth and Plop finds her looking for it. 

For this section, use your imagination and think what your character could be doing as they go about their magical business. Once again, a planning sheet is attached below and in Google Classroom.



We are going to continue learning about multiplication

Please watch today’s video here Summer Term Week 5 Lesson 3 The 2 x tables

And complete these tasks.


Spellings: Please ask a grown up to test you on list 30.


Your new spellings are:


List 31 Stage 1












List 31 Stage 2













Please write your new spellings out in sentences in your yellow spelling book.


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Reading for 20 minutes and then discuss your book

TTRockstars or Numbots



Design a game to play with your family

Design an obstacle course 

Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for a while

Find a quiet place to sit and sketch what you can see



Thursday 18th June 2020


Time to think: Try something new today.


Literacy - Today I would like you to think about what your character might say to Plop. Why do they think dark is magical? Would they be able to do their job during the day? Why not? Why do they need to do it at night? 

Write down some ideas as you will be using this as part of the dialogue (what characters say to each other) next week.



Today is our last day this week learning about multiplication. Please watch the video Summer Term week 5 lesson 4 The 5x table.

Then complete the activities.



Please complete ir, ur and er joins.


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

TTRockstars or Numbots


Reading for 20 minutes and then discuss your book


Design a game to play with your family

Design an obstacle course 

Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for a while

Find a quiet place to sit and sketch what you can see



Friday 19th June 


Time to think: Think of something you are thankful for.


Literacy - Today I would like you to check through the planning you have done over the past 4 days. Make any changes you would like, improve any words, add describing words until you are happy with it. Next week we will be writing this as a story which you are going to upload onto Google Classroom for me to read. 


Maths: As it is Friday, please ask a grown up to test you on your number bonds or times tables. I have attached the resources once again for you to use. Please let me know if your child needs moving up on TTRS.



Today you should have been starting French this afternoon. I would therefore like you to watch this video and this video about numbers in French and complete the activity in attachments. If you don’t have a printer, write the numbers and then match them up.


Weekly questionnaire: Please ensure this is completed today - thank you.


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

TTRockstars or Numbots


Reading for 20 minutes and then discuss your book


Design a game to play with your family

Design an obstacle course 

Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for a while

Find a quiet place to sit and sketch what you can see


Literacy Plop planning sheets. Monday - character, Tuesday - setting, Wednesday - meeting, Thursday - conversation

Information about Coding

Further maths resources to support the activities - again these are optional but will work alongside Monday and Tuesday's learning

Handwriting activity

French numbers activity
