
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 7 Virtual Learning


We did it Year 3! We managed a whole half term of remote learning without too many hiccups along the way I hope. I know there have been the odd typos/incorrect calculations, I would like to say they were intentional to see if you were on the ball but unfortunately they were not! Well done if you spotted any.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work over the half term. I have tried to feedback on any work submitted so if I have missed any of your work please make sure you have clicked the black submit/hand in box in the top right hand of the assignment and leave me a comment to say you have handed it in. I would hate to miss some of the fantastic work you have done this term.

Today in the classroom there is a review of your maths this half term, the Literacy from yesterday and the climate change research task if you have not done it. I have also added a gallery of your work too as I know some of you are keen to share your videos and tasks. Please enjoy looking at the work and feel free to comment on what you enjoyed.

Next week I will have some half term fun activity ideas if you want something to keep you busy but I will not be setting any work for the next few weeks.


Happy holidays! Enjoy your break and make sure you thank your grown ups for supporting you even when they had their own work to do.



In the classroom you will find a maths summary of the term. I would like you to try and complete this independently first. Once you have finished please go through it with your adult and see how you got on. Everything on the sheet we have looked at this half term so if there is anything you would like to revisit have a look at the archived weeks at the bottom of our Google classroom page.



See below for Thursdays task


Topic Climate Change

See below.


Any other work from this week or last week you need to catch up on.




Over the last few weeks in Literacy we have been looking at issues that people feel strongly about. We discussed zoos and you had a look at climate change. You also played the discussion game last week. So what do you feel strongly about?
David Attenborough is very passionate about animals and their welfare.
Greta Thunberg is passionate about reducing climate change.
Malala Yousafzai is passionate about education for girls.
Emiline Pankhurst was passionate about womens votes.
Can you think of any other people who have wanted to change something for the better and persuaded others to help them?
Is there anything that you feel needs changing? Improving? It could be something mentioned above or something else you feel strongly about.
Your task for the next two days is to create a persuasive piece of writing.
It could be a poster to persuade someone to do something  you feel strongly about - recycle/save energy/be kind
It could be a letter to someone who could help you change something - the council, your parents, your community
It could be a booklet telling people why your chosen issue is so important
It could be a speech, a video, a news report, slide show.
You might have your own ideas.
The idea is your piece of writing will make someone else think about your issue and why it is so important.
This is what you will need to include:

Tell your reader why your chosen issue is so important, why is it so important to you?

Give at least 3 reasons to support your issue  - 
Why does it need changing?  
What might happen if it does not change?
I will include some useful sentence starters to help you out.

Try and include a question to make your reader think.

Finish by reminding the reader what you want to happen, what you want to change.

I have included some word banks and ideas to help you. 
I look forward to finding out what you feel passionately about.

Please present your finished pieces in your neatest handwriting if they are hand written.


I have set you some addition tasks on mathletics, some require the expanded addition method others you can complete using a column method with out any exchange (moving 10s/100s)
Most of you completed the tasks set last week so thank you for that.
Last week our mathletes of the week last week were Alba, Sam and Sofia - well done.
This week the current mathletes are Mason, Phoebe and Sydeny.
Thank you Year 3 for keeping up your mathletics practise you are working so hard at home.



Thought it would be fun to do some music as it has been so long since we got our recorders out and had a go at some of our clapping rhythms. 
This lesson focuses on pulse and rhythm.

Pulse is a steady beat like a ticking clock or your heartbeat.

Rhythm is the pattern of long and short sounds that fit with the pulse as you move through the song.

Follow the lesson through and have ago at making some music with body percussion and clapping some rhythms. If you enjoy the session feel free to explore the additional videos.





Have a look at the photos in the Google Docs in the Google classroom. 
They all relate to climate change. 
I would like you to choose 2 of the photos that really make you think. 
Using the document provided, type directly into the boxes to answer the 3 questions. 
1) What can you see
2) What do you think is happening? What is the photo showing you?
3) How does the photo make you feel?

Can you add to your sheet any facts you have learned about climate change that link to the photographs you have chosen.



Today I would like you to practise your expanded column addition method to help you play this dice game.
Read the instructions provided in the classroom carefully.
Use the online dice/spinner to help you play the game or make your own simple spinner using some paper, pencil and a paperclip.


Dicey Addition Game

For this game you need an adult/sibling to play with. If you are working
alone try and beat yourself each round.

You will need:
0-9 spinner/dice/cards

(10 scraps of paper/card with the digits 0-9 on)


How to play
Roll the dice/spinner/pick a card.
Place the digit into a number sentence wherever you would like it to go.
H T U + H T U =

Take it in turns to collect numbers until you have 2 3-digit numbers to add together in your number sentence.
Add your numbers together using the expanded column method.
Help check each other’s answers.
The person with the largest correct answer is the winner.
Play a few rounds.


If you are not confident with 3 digit numbers try a 2 digit number add a 2 digit number.


Other tasks:

In the classroom you also have some ongoing tasks

Science - plant life cycle

Topic - researching Climate Change




Balanced arguments - Reading task

Today's task links to the recent work we have been looking at on zoos. There are 3 different articles on 'Should Zoos be Banned?', you only need to choose one of them to read. 
I would like you to choose bronze, silver or gold depending on how confident you are with your reading. When you have completed the sheet use it to help you answer the 8 questions in the questionnaire. Make sure your choose the questionnaire that matches the reading sheet.



Thank you to the children yesterday who followed the instructions - yesterday's task was not a mental maths activity - it was a written calculation activity. The idea was you practised the expanded column method that I demonstrated in the videos, the questions should have been completed using the same method. The expanded method leads into formal column addition which will be expected in Year 4 so it is very important you understand why each of the steps are there. 

If you did not use the method yesterday, please go back and have a look at the examples and then try and use it for today's maths. 

If you did practise yesterday please continue to use the same method, today I have given you some additions in the form of word problems.

You only need to write the calculation in your book/on paper then show your working out. Do not write the whole question out.

Yes - I know some of you can work these questions out quickly in your heads, but if you do make a mistake and there is no working out to look back on - can you see where you have gone wrong? 

Also please make sure you have watched the videos / read all instructions before you start Year 3.


Topic - Google Earth - Climate Change - ongoing task 

What is Climate change?
We have looked at maps of places and different places where people live but now we are going to start looking at our world. 
Climate change has been in the news a lot over the recent years as things are changing. 
At the moment because of the current situation, things are changing again but do you know why?
Please spend some time looking at the slide presentations, videos and links. 
See what you can find out about climate change and what it means for our planet. 
Please make notes as you collect information.
You can either use what you find out to fill in the 3-2-1 sheet or you could present your findings in another way, here are a few ideas:
A Google Slide presentation ( like powerpoint but easy to access in your google drive)
An informative poster about climate change with facts and information
A news report - filmed, recorded or written about climate change
A booklet / book art about Climate change
 You may have your own ideas.
Please upload your finished pieces when you have completed them.


Good morning Year 3, we have a little surprise for you today. See the video below there may be a few people you recognise in it. We just wanted to say hello and that we all miss you all. 

I hope you’ve had a restful weekend, the weather was a bit hit and miss wasn’t it! 

In the classroom today there is Friday’s Science (which can be worked on through the week) as I only had a few handed in. I have uploaded a few awesome examples from a few of you as inspiration for others if you haven’t had a chance to do it yet. 

I have also included last week’s questionnaire as only 10 were filled in. Even if there is no change it is nice to hear from you all. I’m nosey and I like to know what everyone has been up to. 

There is also the usual Monday spellings, and maths. 



We have already learnt about the different parts of a plant and what plants need to grow. Our next step is to think about the life cycle of a plant. 

1. Use the videos to  help you understand the life cycle of a plant.
2. Open the  Activity Sheet pdf - here there are some ideas for presenting your own life cycle of a plant. 
I have included an examples to give you an idea for presentation, there are lots of ideas on the activity sheet or you might have your own ideas. 

Please make sure diagram is clearly labelled and you understand what the words germination and pollination mean. T

I have added some of the work I have received already to inspire you.



Today we should be doing spellings so you need to complete your spelling test for the last set of spelling words - Words with the /s/ sound spelt ’sc’ which is Latin in its origin.  .’  These words are French in origin.  
Can you ask another person to test you at the back of your usual spelling book. 

The new spelling list is below. 
Homophones, words which have the same pronunciation but different meanings and/or spellings. 
I have included some videos to explain what homophones are.

Can you copy your new spellings very carefully into your blue book or on to paper if your blue book is full. 
The tasks today are based around your spellings.

1. Arrange the spellings into alphabetical order.

2. Can you write or draw the meaning of each new word .

3. Can you write a sentence for each word to show you know the difference between the two words. Please use joined writing for this, some of the lovely handwriting we were doing before lockdown seems to have been forgotten.


On Friday I finally remembered to bring home one of the whiteboards from school. I have been meaning to do this each time I am in and keep forgetting! Today I have made you some short videos revising the expanded column method for addition. We have done this before but quite a while ago now. 

Please watch the videos in order, they are completely unrehearsed as you can tell! Hopefully they will be helpful. 
I have added 8 questions for each task. 
Choose the one task you feel most comfortable with.  

Bronze = TU + TU
Silver = HTU + TU & HTU + HTU
Gold = HTU + HTU
I have also included the answer sheets so you can check your own work when it is complete. If you have made a mistake please go back and check where you went wrong. 

Common mistakes might be:
1. Columns not lined up
2. Forgetting to add any extra tens / hundreds
3. Writing the wrong digit in the answer box when exchanging 
( for example if you get 12 - writing 1 unit and 2 tens so its actually 21)
4. Copying the question out incorrectly so it does not match the original question.
