
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 11 Virtual Learning (29.6.20)

Good morning everyone! I’m looking forward to welcoming some of you back to school this week. It is going to be a little bit different to what you are used to but all the adults are there to help you and answer any questions you may have. Just ask us 😊 

Welcome to week 11 of home learning. How crazy is it that it is nearly July! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had my first strawberry from my strawberry plant 🍓. It was delicious, so tasty! I have a few more growing too so I’m looking forward to picking those. I’ll put a picture of it below. 

New set up for home learning - you only have to do the days of work on the website for the days that you are NOT in school. If you are staying at home please follow the daily activities as you have done in previous weeks. I will not be doing a daily check in on google classroom anymore. I will do one a week on a Wednesday as this is when most children are at home. The weekly questionnaire will now only be sent to key worker children and children who have not been in school. 

Have a wonderful week. Any questions, just ask On google classroom and I will try and reply after 3.30. 

Speak to you next week 


Miss Ridgway 

My strawberry

Monday 29th June 2020  


Literacy:  Imagination station -  Look at the picture and write some sentences about it or a short story. Use your imagination. You can write whatever you like about the picture. Don’t forget full stops and capital letters. Please hand in onto google classroom.   


Phonics: Go onto phonics bloom / phase 4/ alien escape - click here 


Maths: Maths is going to be a little bit different this week. We are going to be using the mathletics workbooks. You can print them off or just write the answers in your book. I have added these tasks so that the children are practising key skills before going into Year 2. Please complete the tasks below.  


Other activities: 

Complete an Andy’s Wild workout. 


Today we are going to be looking at the difference between cities, towns and villages. Please watch the video - click here and go through the words and explanations, don’t do the activities. Then watch this animated clip of ‘The town rat and the country rat’ - click here.  Please then complete the activity below. Drag and drop the characteristics into the correct section. 


Practise your spellings using the sheet below. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics bloom 

Teach your monster to read 

Phonics play 

Imagination station

Tuesday 30th June 2020  


Literacy: Listen to the book ‘Tadpole’s promise’ on Espresso. Click here. Then answer the comprehension questions - click here and the sequencing questions - click here. 


Phonics: Roll and read common exception words sheet 3.  


Maths:  Please complete the tasks below.  


Other activities: 


Complete a cosmic kids yoga activity


Make a butterfly - you can do this however you like using things you have at home. I have put some examples below. Please upload these to google classroom for me to see :). 


Have a go on numbots today. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics play 

Teach your monster to read 

Butterfly craft

Wednesday 1st July 2020 


Literacy:  Please ask a grown up to test you on your previous spellings in the back of your yellow spelling book. Please copy your new spellings onto a clean page at the front of your yellow spelling book. Choose 5 of your new spellings and put them into a sentence in your blue literacy book. Remember capital letters and full stops. 


New Spellings: 













Phonics: Please complete the spelling activity sheet igh. 



Log onto Mathletics and have a go at the activities I have set today. 


Other activities:  


Today I would like you to do some research on butterflies and find 3-5 facts about them. You can present your work however you like. You can do a poster, bullet points, powerpoint, video etc. I have put some links below for you.  Please hand it in on google classroom


Have a go on numbots today 


Read your reading book to your parents or friend (over facetime). 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics bloom 

Teach your monster to read 

Phonics play 

Thursday 2nd July 2020


Literacy - please complete the nd and ld handwriting sheet. I have added a picture below. 


Phonics: Please watch the videos and complete the igh activities - click here 


Maths: Have a go at the  activities below.  


Other activities:  


Log onto and complete the next level 


Healthy eating - Have a look at the videos on espresso - click here. Then complete a graph of favourite fruits and vegetables for your family. Which fruit/vegetable is the most popular? Then complete the sorting activity. Which foods are healthy and unhealthy? 

Can you help with the washing up today? 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:


Oxford owl 

Friday 3rd July 2020 


Literacy - Today you are going to look at suffixes. A suffix is a letter or group of letters that goes on the end of a word and changes the word's meaning. Go onto BBC Bitesize (click here) watch the video and complete the activities. You can verbally do activities 1 & 2. Then please complete the sheet for activity 3. 



Phonics:  complete the spellings activity sheet below. 


Maths: Please complete the tasks below. 


Other activities:  


Complete a just dance activity on youtube.


This term our enrichment should have been forest school and gardening. Make your own natural paintbrushes and have a go at painting outside. I have put a document below. 


Weekly check-in:  Please fill in your weekly check in only if your child hasn't been in school this week.  


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics play 


Teach your monster to read
