
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 12 Virtual Learning (06.07.20)

Good morning Year 1. I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. What have you been up to? We spent the weekend painting the kitchen because our kitchen is finally being fitted this week!! 🙌🏻 We have had no kitchen throughout lockdown. We have only been able to cook with gadgets; grill machine, slow cooker, toaster, kettle etc. So I am very excited. I hope you enjoy the activities this week. I have gone for a bit of a bird theme this week 🦉🦆🐦. 

Speak to you on Wednesday, I will put a check in onto google classroom like last week. Have a great week. 


Miss Ridgway 

Monday 6th July 2020  


Literacy: Today you are going to look at alphabetical order. Please look at the BBC Bitesize lesson - click here. Complete the activities and then play Small Town superheroes - click here 

Phonics: Go onto phonics bloom / phase 5/ Phonics frog - click here 


Maths:  We are going to be using the mathletics workbooks. You can print them off or just write the answers in your book. I have added these tasks so that the children are practising key skills before going into Year 2. Please complete the tasks below.  

Other activities

Let's get physical with our names. You could also do your favourite colour or animal.  


This week we are going to be doing some activities about birds. Look at the Powerpoint and see how many of the birds you can spot either in your garden or whilst you are out on a walk. Can you find any that aren’t on the sheet? 

Practise your spellings using the sheet below. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics bloom 

Teach your monster to read 

Phonics play

Tuesday 7th July 2020  


Literacy: handwriting - please complete the ng join. I have added a picture below.


Phonics: Roll and read common exception words sheet 4.  


Maths:  Please complete the tasks below.  


Other activities: 


Complete a cosmic kids yoga activity


Today is Chocolate day!! Yummy!!! Where do you think chocolate comes from? Watch the video ‘Where does chocolate come from’ - click here. Then complete the chocolate ordinal numbers activity. 


Can you design your own chocolate bar? You can show me your designs on google classroom if you like. I have added a folder for you. 


Have a go on numbots today. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics play 

Teach your monster to read 

ng join

Wednesday 8th July 2020 


Literacy:  Please ask a grown up to test you on your previous spellings in the back of your yellow spelling book. Please copy your new spellings onto a clean page at the front of your yellow spelling book. Choose 5 of your new spellings and put them into a sentence in your blue literacy book. Remember capital letters and full stops. 


New Spellings: 













Phonics: Please complete the spelling activity sheet or. 



Please complete the activities below. 


Other activities:  

Today you are going to do some research on birds. How many can you find out about. You can use the Powerpoint from Monday, I have put a picture hotspot on below and you can use the internet to complete your research. Please hand it in on google classroom once you have finished. You can use tomorrow to complete it. 


Have a go on numbots today 


Read your reading book to your parents or friend (over facetime). 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics bloom 

Teach your monster to read 

Phonics play

Thursday 9th July 2020


Literacy -  Listen to the book ‘The robot and the bluebird’’ on Espresso. Click here. Then answer the comprehension questions and the sequencing questions for this story - click here. 


Phonics: Please watch the videos and complete the or activities (Sorting sounds oo/or, blending, reading)  - click here 

Maths: Have a go at the mathletics activities I have set today. See below. 


Other activities:  


Continue your describing birds activity. 


Can you make an origami bird? 


Have a go at the motor skills activity below. 


If you were in school Mon/Tues you could do the bird spotting activity from  Monday or the chocolate activities from Tuesday. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:


Oxford owl 

Motor Skills Activity

Friday 10th July 2020 


Literacy -  Imagination station -  Look at the picture and write some sentences about it or a short story. Use your imagination. You can write whatever you like about the picture. Don’t forget full stops and capital letters.  Please hand in on google classroom.



Phonics: Please complete the or activities (segmenting, spelling) - click here 


Maths: Please complete the tasks below. 


Other activities:  


Complete a just dance activity on youtube.


Where does our food come from? Click here to go on a learning path. Watch the videos and complete the activities to find out more about where our food comes from.


This term our enrichment should have been forest school and gardening. Can you make your own bird nest and or bird feeder? 


Today it is teddy bear’s picnic day. Have a picnic with your teddies, play some games and read them a story. 


Weekly check-in:  Please fill in your weekly check in. You will receive one of your child is in the Key worker group or has not been in school. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics play 


Teach your monster to read

Imagination Station
