
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 13 Virtual Learning Week beginning 13.06.20

Hello to all of you lovely people! I hope that you are all okay - I'm excited this week as I will get to see EVERY SINGLE ONE of you at some point this week. Having you all back at some point during the week is an excellent way to spend our last two weeks together. It isn't long now until the end of term - only two more weeks - so let's see if we can keep the momentum going.... keep working hard .... keep trying your best! 

Learning Tasks Week beginning 13th July 2020 

Monday 13th July 2020  


Reading : The Ickabog Chapter 19 and 20 Will Lady Eslanda foil Spittleworth’s devious plot?



Editing our biography - I have put feedback onto your biography - please read my comments and edit as necessary - then hand back in for printing.



There is a booklet in Google Classroom to last you the three days you are at home.

In school we will be studying algebra, too. However, we will be using different resources. 


Science: Transporting Nutrients - Full details in Google Classroom. You will start this today but may need to finish it on Wednesday


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but VERY beneficial:




Tuesday 14th July 2020  


Reading: The Ickabog Chapter 21 / 22 Just who is Professor Fraudysham?!



There is a booklet in Google Classroom to last you the three days you are at home.

In school we will be studying algebra, too. However, we will be using different resources. 


Cross Curricular:

At home/ Keyworker: Persuasive Leaflets - look in Google Classroom for full details of the task 

At School: History Murder Mystery Trail 




Wednesday 15th July 2020 


Reading: The Ickabog Chapter 23 / 24 Will it be a fair trial?



There is a booklet in Google Classroom to last you the three days you are at home.

In school we will be studying algebra, too. However, we will be using different resources. 



Complete your nutrients poster 



Because we have not had sports day this year, we thought we would create a virtual sports day for you and your families at home… and we have created a ‘Beat the Staff Challenge!’ Each member of staff has devised an activity and has been filmed carrying it out - we have recorded their score - YOU HAVE TO BEAT THEM! All of the instructions are in the film and the film and score sheet are in Google Classroom! Good luck! Have fun! Get the family involved! 

(Depending on which device you use, you may have to sign in - use your log on details for Google Classroom if you do)  


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:




Thursday 16th July 2020


Reading: The Ickabog - chapter 25 / 26 Spittleworth has a problem….


Art: Design the book cover for The Ickabog. Full details of the task in Google Classroom



There is a booklet in Google Classroom to last you the three days you are at home.

In school we will be studying algebra, too. However, we will be using different resources. 




Friday 17th July  


Reading: The Ickabog - chapter 27 / 28 Is Daisy in danger?



There is a booklet in Google Classroom to last you the three days you are at home.

In school we will be studying algebra, too. However, we will be using different resources. 


Cross Curricular:

At home/ Keyworker: Persuasive Leaflets - look in Google Classroom for full details of the task 

At School: History Murder Mystery Trail 


By today, you should have handed in your Nutrients poster, The Ickabog front cover, and submitted your planning sheet. You should also have re-handed in your biography writing after editing it on Monday. Are you up-to-date?


Weekly check-in:  for those children who have not been in school this week in Google Classroom

