
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 9 Virtual Learning (15.06.20)

Welcome to week 9 of home learning! You have all done so well! Make sure you remember to say thank you to your parents for teaching you whilst at home. It must be tricky at times because they have to do their work from home as well don’t they?

It’s been another lovely weekend! Have you been able to see more of your family and friends recently? It was my Nana’s birthday on Saturday (same day as the Queen’s 👑). She lives in a care home so we went to sing happy birthday to her through the window. It was so nice to see her, as we haven’t been able to see her in a very long time.

Even though we have now gone to a weekly lesson plan I’ll still be putting a daily check in on google classroom every day so we can still communicate 🙂. I wonder what you have enjoyed doing this weekend?  

Most resources are on here, if they are on google classroom I have referred to it. I have also underlined the links for you to access websites etc. Any questions please just ask. 

Have a fabulous week! 
Miss you all


Miss Ridgway 

Monday 15th June 2020  


Literacy: Using the word ‘and’ to join sentences. Click here for the BBC bitesize link. Please watch the video and complete the activities. Activity 2 can be done verbally. Please do activity 3 in your book. 


Phonics: Phonics splat. 

If you have the phonics cards you can use these or write the phonics sounds (that are in your pack) on pieces of paper. Place the phonics sounds on the floor or table. Parents please then call out a phonic sound. Your child has to splat that sound as quickly as they can. Maybe try playing against someone and see who is the quickest. The quickest person wins the card. Who will have the most at the end?


Maths: Multiplication wheels - Following on from last week. Have a go at some of the multiplication wheels. You can do as many as you like. You can use a piece of paper to do your groupings/ workings out if that helps. You don’t have to complete the wheel. Just have a go and see how you get on.  


Other activities: 


Complete an Andy’s Wild workout. 


Our topic this term is still growing and we will be looking at plants and animals. This week I thought we would look at food! Did you know our food comes from plants and animals? Watch the food and farming video on espresso to give you some more information - Click here


Task - alphabet soup. 

Can you write the name of a food for each letter of the alphabet? See how many you can name. 


Can you eat a rainbow? Keep track of the things you eat this week and see if you can eat all of the colours! 



Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics bloom 

Teach your monster to read 

Phonics play 


Tuesday 16th June 2020  


Literacy: Read your reading book and get an adult to ask you some questions. I will put an example of some questions you can ask. 


Or log onto Oxford Owl, they have a selection of ebooks and a ‘quiz’ at the end. I will put the link to Oxford owl here. You may have to sign up but it is free and they have a great selection of books on there. Just choose Oxford reading tree - ebooks - level - Oxford level - then whichever level your child is currently on (check the back of their school reading book). If you do the activities linked to the book press the tick button at the bottom to see if they have the answers correct before they move onto the next question. 


Phonics: Roll and read common exception words. 


Maths: Play one of the times tables maths games. You choose whether to play the 2x, 5x or 10x. 


Other activities: 


Complete a cosmic kids yoga activity


Can you find out what the five food groups are? Can you make your own eatwell plate and draw some of the different foods for each food group? I have put a PowerPoint below or you can do your own research. I will create a folder on google classroom for you to hand this in. 



Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics play 


Teach your monster to read 

Wednesday 17th June 2020 


Literacy:  Please ask a grown up to test you on your previous spellings in the back of your yellow spelling book. Please copy your new spellings onto a clean page at the front of your yellow spelling book. Choose 5 of your new spellings and put them into a sentence in your blue literacy book. Remember capital letters and full stops. 


New Spellings: 













Phonics: Please complete the spelling activity sheet ie. 


Maths: Today we are going to look at multiplication using arrays. This is another way for us to work out multiplication questions. Please watch the white rose video here.  


Then complete the array sheet below - Multiplication arrays - spotting the multiplication. 


Other activities: 


Have a go at the motor skills activity below. 


Have a go on numbots today.


Read and follow a recipe. You could: use a cookbook, look online, ask a friend or family member. Lots of healthy recipes can be found here 


Can you send me a picture of what you have made? I would love to see it! I will put a folder onto google classroom


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics bloom 

Teach your monster to read 

Phonics play 


Thursday 18th June 2020


Literacy - Please complete the lp and mp handwriting sheet that is in your home learning pack. I have also added a picture below. 


Phonics: Log onto espresso and watch the ie video and complete the activities - click here 


Maths: We are going to continue with arrays. Yesterday you used the array to make the calculation. Today I want you to make the array. 


Use the sheet below - Multiplication arrays - making the array. Make sure you do your arrays in straight lines, this will help you. 


*EDIT*** Please don't worry if your child cannot skip count. We have only worked on 2s, 5s and 10s. If they can’t skip count just ask them to count up how many dots altogether. 


Other activities:  


Observe, draw, imagine. I have put a picture below. I would like you to first observe (look carefully at) the picture, then draw the picture. Remember to do little bits at a time and to keep looking at the picture. Then imagine. Use your imagination and turn the object into anything you like. But it still has to include the shape of the original object. I have put an example below. Please hand in your work on google classroom. I would love to see what you have come up with. 



Log onto and complete the next level 


Food search - Have a look in your fridge / cupboards and have a think about where your food has come from. Other than the supermarket! Make a list and think has it come from a plant or an animal or both? 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:


Oxford owl 

Friday 19th June 


Literacy - Please complete the ‘read the picture’ activity. It is in google classroom for you if you would like to type straight onto the document. 


Phonics: Sight word stomp/bean bag throw - please choose 10 of the year 1 common exception words (in your file) and write them in chalk outside or on pieces of paper. When you say a word your child has to jump on that word or throw their ball, bean bag etc onto it. How many can they get right? 




Maths: **EDIT ** Recap of arrays. I have added a Powerpoint and a video explaining how to use arrays. In year 1 we work on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. If they can, get your child to count in 2s, 5s and 10s to work out the answers. If it is a 3x / 4x etc question then your child can just count up the dots. The use of an array is to help your child work out multiplication questions and they especially help them to work out multiplication word problems as they can draw and then visualise what the question is asking them to do. Hope that helps. 


Today your activity is to fit the arrays onto the grid and work out the answer. This is a tricky one as you need to make sure all of the arrays fit on the grid. Just try your best and take your time, don’t rush. Parents I have added a solution below. 


Other activities:  


This weekend it is Father’s Day. Make a card for a special guy in your life :). I have put some examples below for you. 


How far has your food taken to get to you? Have a look at some food packaging. Where has it come from? With an adult see if you can spot which country it has come from and try and find it on a map. I wonder how far it has travelled? 


This term our enrichment should have been forest school and gardening. This week I would like you to build a den outside. I’ve checked the weather and it says it should be dry but that could all change! If it is too wet then you could build your den inside! Make sure you make a sign for it and have a secret password! 


Weekly check-in:  Please fill in your weekly check in. 


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Phonics play 


Teach your monster to read


Have a lovely weekend 

Speak to you next week 


Miss Ridgway 

What Is An Array In Maths?

What is an array? An array in maths is an arrangement of objects, numbers or pictures in columns or rows. The purpose of an array is to help children understand multiplication and division.

Father’s Day card ideas
