
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 2 Virtual Learning (30.3.20)

Friday 3rd April 2020


Good morning again! The past two weeks may have seemed a little strange, but well done- you've almost completed your first two weeks of home learning AND made it to the end of the spring term!  


Your task for today is to make sure as much as possible of the work set earlier in the week is finished.  This includes literacy and maths tasks listed here as well as the topic work set in our Google Classroom. 


I would also like you to ask a grown up or older sibling to test you on last week's spellings (list 22).  Do this in your spelling book as normal.  

Your new spelling list is as follows:

List 23- adding '-ly' to create adverbs of manner.  These adverbs describe how the verb is occurring.

1. reluctantly

2. quickly

3. generously 

4. unexpectedly

5. gently

6. curiously

7. furiously

8. seriously

9. victoriously

10. courteously


Copy the new spellings carefully into your spelling book.  Check the meaning of any words you are unsure of then write each one neatly into a sentence in your blue book.  Use the following title: List 23 spelling practice.  

Keep practising them so that you will be ready for the next spelling test in 3 weeks time.


I would also like you to spend some time on Times Tables Rock Stars today please.  


To those of you who had a go at yesterday's extra maths challenge I have posted the answer, with an explanation, in Google Classroom.  Let me know how you got on!


Also in our Google Classroom I have posted a questionnaire for you each to fill in.  This is a great way for me to find out about how you have been getting on at home and if there are any things you need help with.  There is a question for your grown ups to answer too. 

I will post a version of this every Friday during term time.  


As today marks the start of the Easter holidays we won't be setting any more tasks online until Monday 20th April.  However, if you have any unfinished tasks this is a great opportunity to complete them.  You are of course able to keep using Mathletics and Time Tables Rock Stars too, as well as all of the other activities listed in your home learning packs, if you wish. 


And just for fun, if anyone fancies a new challenge to keep themselves busy...  Can you find something in your house that begins with each letter of the alphabet?  However, they must all fit on a dinner plate!  Take a photograph when you complete the challenge!


Have a lovely Easter holiday everyone, try to have lots of fun and enjoy some family time.  Take care of yourselves and each other and we will look forward to hearing from you on Monday 20th April.


Love, Mrs Poole, Mrs King and Mrs Archer



Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good morning!  I hope you are all managing the tasks that have been set so far this week.  See below for details of today's activities:


Literacy- Your task is to continue your fantasy story from yesterday.  Once you have finished you must remember to check and edit it carefully, just like we do in school with purple pens.  You could choose any colour pen to do this if you don't have a purple pen to hand.  There are a few helpful pointers below as well as all the literacy handouts I put in your home learning folders.

  • Check your punctuation carefully.
  • Use a dictionary to look up any spellings you are unsure of.
  • Use your neatest joined handwriting.

Once you are happy with your writing see if you can find someone at home to read your story to.  Or perhaps you could save it until you telephone a relative.  Whoever you choose to share it with ask them to tell you what they enjoyed or think you did really well (a bit like when we use 2 stars and a wish).


Maths- I hope you were able to use the Top Marks games yesterday to challenge yourself in revising place value.  Today's maths activities have been set on Mathletics.  

For anyone looking for an extra maths challenge today, can you figure out the following puzzle..

Do any workings out in your blue books and I will post the answer in Google Classroom tomorrow.  It's tricky so take your time and look very carefully!  Good luck! 


Other- Remember there are some ongoing History, Geography and DT activities in Google Classroom.  These activities are there for you to dip into when you have time.  I can see from your comments that some of you have already made a start- well done!  Please do not worry if you are not able to complete all of them this week.


Love, Mrs Poole


p.s Don't forget to keep practising spellings ready for tomorrow's spelling test!


Wednesday 1st April 2020

Good morning and happy April!  Today's tasks are as follows:


Literacy- I wonder how you got on with yesterday's task?  If you didn't have chance to watch 'Something Fishy' you will need to do that today- the link is still below.  You should have made some notes or drawings in your blue books that will help you to write your own short fantasy stories using one of the prompts chosen yesterday.  This is a chance to do some creative writing but I have listed a few helpful pointers below: 

  • Check your punctuation carefully.
  • Use a dictionary to look up any spellings you are unsure of.
  • Use your neatest joined handwriting.

This piece of writing should be done in your blue books and can be done over a few days. 


Maths- How confident are you in your understanding of place value of 4-digit numbers? Below are links to some online games to help you revise:

Bronze- Choose numbers to 999

Silver-  Choose Th H T U

Gold-  Choose level 4, partitioning, up to 9999.  You can make this more challenging by decreasing the time you have to answer each question.  You could also have a go at level 5, partitioning, up to 9.99 or level 6, partitioning, up to 99.99


Other- Remember there are some ongoing History, Geography and DT activities in Google Classroom.  These activities are there for you to dip into when you have time.  I can see from your comments that some of you have already made a start- well done!  Please do not worry if you are not able to complete all of them this week.


Have a good day!  And remember, there are plenty of activities in the home learning pack if you would like other things to do.

Love, Mrs Poole


Tuesday 31st March

Hello again!  I hope you are all well.  Today's tasks are as follows:


Literacy- In school we have been learning about fantasy stories which we decided are stories with imaginary places and people. Features we identified were a journey between a real and an imagined place; magical, peculiar and sometimes menacing characters; magic; a dilemma or problem of some sort and of course a descriptive setting.


Today I would like you to watch a very short film called Something Fishy:


In this film the journey to the underwater world is through the washing machine.  I would like you to choose one of the following prompts as a starting point for your own short fantasy story:

  • You see a large opening in a tree, you decide to see what is inside.
  • You return from school one day to find a mysterious package in your bedroom with an owl shaped logo on it. 
  • While messing about in the library you find a strange necklace and decide to try it on.

Have a think about what is going to happen in your story and make notes or draw pictures in your blue book ready to begin writing tomorrow.


Maths- Last week we revised column addition.  Today I would like you to revise column subtraction.


Choose three random digits (e.g. 7, 4 and 1) and use them to list all the 3-digit numbers you can make (e.g. 741, 714, 471, 417, 174 and 147).   Use the numbers to create as many subtractions as possible with a positive answer. Remember, the number being subtracted needs to be smaller than the number being subtracted from (e.g. you can do 741 - 417 but not 174 - 471).  Use a written column method to solve the subtractions.

Bronze- Use the expanded method

Silver- Use the compact method

Gold- Can you choose four digits instead of three?


Ask an adult to check you answers or use a calculator.


Other- Some of you will have already noticed that I have uploaded some ongoing History, Geography and DT work in Google Classroom.  These activities are there for you to dip into when you have time.  Please do not worry if you are not able to complete all of them.


I'll be in touch again tomorrow.  Have a lovely day.

Mrs Poole



Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning Year 4! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Well done to all of you last week. Mrs Poole and I have been very proud of how well you have adapted to working at home!



I have set you some tasks on Mathletics all to do with telling the time.



If you have not finished your water cycle wheel from last week please do this today.


Then I would like you to set up your own water cycle to watch.


You will need an empty plastic bottle with the labels removed, warm water from the tap, ice (or something cold from your freezer) and a cup or glass.

Fill the bottle about a third full of warm water (if you have any blue food colouring you could add a couple of drops to your water).

Screw the lid on your bottle and turn it over in the cup or glass (this is just to help it balance upside down).

Place some ice or something cold from your freezer on the top of your bottle (it will still work without but it will be slower).

Watch what happens inside your bottle. Can you explain to someone else in your house the 4 stages of the water cycle that are happening in the bottle?

If you haven’t got a plastic bottle a glass with some cling film over the top will work.


I have also set you a Literacy/Science task on google classroom. You can complete this today if you have time or during the rest of the week.



This task can be completed when you have time this week.

This term we have been looking at Christianity. In these last couple of weeks we would have been looking at the events that led up to Easter. The week leading up to Easter is called Holy Week.

Use the link below to research the events that happened that week.

Make notes in your blue book about the main events of Holy Week.

Then design and make an Easter card for someone in your family.


Don’t forget to make time to exercise and get outside in the fresh air.

Have fun and keep smiling!
Mrs King
