
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Week 7 Virtual Learning Week Beginning 18.05.2020

Friday 22nd May


Happy Friday everyone!  It's the last day of this half-term.  We've never had one like it before but I think that we've all managed pretty well, considering all the challenges that we have had to face.  It's also the end of Mental Health Awareness week.  Personally, I think we should try and look after each other and ourselves every week - not just during this week.  No fancy pictures, just remember:


Kindness matters


Things to remember to do today (not much - I promise):



Complete your 45 minutes as you have been doing all week.


Science - handing in work


Please hand in your exercise poster/video for Mrs W and the Evolution vocabulary for me today.


DT - handing in work


You need to hand in your plan to Mrs W, if you haven't already done so.


Weekly check-in


Thank you to those of you who have already sent yours in.  Please remember if you haven't done it yet - complete it today.


We have been doing home learning now for 7 whole weeks.  We want to know how you feel about it - what you like and what you don't. Full information is in Classroom.  We've created a lovely Google doc for you.  Actually that is just so it's easier for us to read your responses. Mrs W and I were comparing how we have to rotate our laptops round to read some of your photographed work.  It makes commenting quite a tricky balancing act!


I've also put a picture in Classroom for a rainy day, if you get bored during the holidays and want something to do. We both hope that you and your lovely families have a fun, relaxing, restful, playful, exciting, quiet or whatever kind of holiday you have over the next two weeks.  Please remember, if you are going out more, to take care and keep safe (just don't try what my dog did - video on our stream).


Best wishes 

Mrs R






Thursday 21st May

Happy Thursday! My day was made so happy yesterday by seeing all your wonderful photos with different words - so many colours, so many creative ideas - marvellous you!


I had an exciting day on Tuesday - I ventured out to a garden centre (not very exciting I hear you say - well it was for me!) I hope you've had a few exciting days too.


Here's a little thought - one of my favourites.  My technical lack of know-how means it's a bit bigger than I planned but hey-ho it looks good and certainly grabs your attention!


Keep calm and carry on with your 45 minutes of maths.



We're starting a new topic - I know it's nearly the end of term but we will be carrying on next half-term.  As a starter, I have given you a list of vocabulary to find out about.  Full instructions are in Classroom.This needs to be handed in this Friday



There is an activity in Classroom for you to share with your family over the holidays.


Keep working on your Science/exercise activity and your DT project planning for Mrs W - both need to be handed in this Friday.


I hope you had lots of sun cream on yesterday if you were out and about.  The temperature got up to 26 degrees! My poor seedlings in my garden wilted a bit and needed watering - a bit like me!


Enjoy your day, if you are going out remember to keep safe. Remember to check in on our stream.


Best wishes 

Mrs R 

Wednesday 20th May 

How is the smiling and kindness going? I had a very good reason to smile yesterday - firstly a really lovely email message sending a virtual hug, secondly some tulips from my mummy - but she had made them from fabric - and a lovely message from my friend - we've been friends for 45 years ... since we were three in nursery! It is amazing how much we all need each other now isn't it! Thank you for voting about a class video - the vote was ..... drum roll ...... yes = 27 votes   no = 2 votes   missing = 1 vote so because we are a democracy we WILL make a video! I'm so excited! 


Today's learning:

Check-in: when you have read this information, head over to Google Classroom and check-in. You'll have to think about music to do this today!


Art: This is linked to our video project - all details in Google Classroom


Maths: 45 minutes concentrated effort on your maths booklets


Science: Work on your fitness video / poster (remember - hand in by Friday)


DT:  Work on your planning sheet / gathering your resources (remember - hand in by Friday)


Your meditation today is one for bedtime ... it might help you to relax


Have the best day!

Lots of hugs and smiles 

Mrs W x

Tuesday 19th May 

Good morning! I hope this finds you well. How was the meditating yesterday - did you try it? There is a new link further below! 

Continuing yesterday's idea of a 'smile loop', here is today's thought for the day ...


I had a tricky day yesterday for one reason or another- but that's okay, sometimes that happens. Iknow its not going to be everyday. When I came home, Isobel and Sam had a cup of tea ready and huge smiles for me. Isobel had baked biscuits and Sam had walked Spike - it made me smile and everything felt better.... and then I read your lovely comments on our check-in and they made me feel even better - so thank you. I wonder if you could do something kind for someone today? It's nice doing things for other people. 

Today's learning:


Please practise your spellings.

Please take 30 minutes to yourself, find somewhere quiet and read. Reading is like dreaming except you have your eyes wide open! Make sure you've found a book where the words paint pictures in your mind and you can get thoroughly engrossed in another world!



You've guessed it! 45 minutes on your maths booklets!



Details in Google Classroom - I think you are going to like this one!! It is fun and I can't wait to see the results of your work!


DT: Continue planning from yesterdays task - remember it has to be a product that somebody can use - not a piece of art!


Let's meditate and look after our minds - just like reading, the words will paint a picture in your mind today.

Have a great day! Sending you tonnes of hugs and smiles 

Mrs W xxx

Monday 18th May 2020


Good morning! You may wonder why I have posted such a big picture today - well, it is a special week this week dedicated to looking after our minds not just our bodies so we are going to be thinking about this during today and the rest of the week. Today, we are going to try and do everything on the list in the picture. Therefore, before you read anything else, I want you to stop think about number 1 - what are you grateful for? Can you think of three things that you are glad you have in your life or that happen in your life? I am grateful that I have my family, that we are currently well and that  I have such good friends! Have you thought of three? If you have, carry on reading!


Once you have read everything else on here, go to the check-in. There is a special surprise for you there ... I hope that you like it! 



In Google Classroom. there is a link to an Addition and Subtraction booklet. Like the last one, we would like you to complete 45 minutes of focused work per day. 



You need an adult / older sibling to help you today. You are going to carry out an investigation into heart rates and exercise. All of the details are in Google Classroom. This will combine with some exercise today, too


Design Technology

I have a fab DT challenge for you in Google Classroom - all of the details are there. There are a lot of instructions so I think it would be good if an adult sat with you whilst you go through it so that you are clear about what you need to do. When we do this task, we will understand the 'smile loop' , the picture above, a little bit more


I'm not going to give you an exercise link today - you can choose your exercise yourself but make sure that you do some! Tonight is my barre class - virtually meeting of course so Ill be exercising then.  I'm going to give you a mediation link - just for children. It would be great if you could try this today - perhaps get your family to join you! 

I hope that you have a happy day - I am sending you friendly wishes! When you do the meditation, you will know why I have written this! 

Big smiles and big hugs,


Mrs Wxx 

PS Is there anybody in your house you could send a lovely thank you note to? I'm sure that somebody who looks after you so well would love a little thank you note left on their pillow! Or perhaps you have a neighbour who has done something kind for you? 