
School Name

Ladybrook Primary School and Nursery

Learning without Limits

Virtual Learning Week 8 (8.6.20)

Week beginning 8th June 

Good morning everyone! We hope that you have had a lovely holiday! 


From now on, our virtual learning will be slightly different so we need you to go and get your grown-up and go through this together … it’s really important that you do this so that everybody is clear about what will be happening…..


…..Okay - have you got them with you? Great! 

Now that more children are coming to school, either in year group cohorts or critical worker groups, all of the teachers will be back at school and because virtual learning takes a long time to organise and prepare the way we have been doing it, we need to change it - we can’t all do two full time jobs! We can’t just stop it either because your year groups are not returning yet and you are just as important as everybody else!


  • On a Monday, you will have a welcome to the week message. We have been doing a daily welcome on our webpage - but now it will become a weekly welcome. 
  • Your work for the week will be put on all at once in a timetable… just follow the timetable!
  • You may feel that the work is repetitive over the week, that is because we are going to be focussing on key skills that you need to master for next year - just like we would be doing if you were in school. So, for example, if it says read for twenty minutes every day, you MUST do this. If it says TTRockstars for twenty minutes, you must do this. Don’t think that because there isn’t any writing, you can ignore it!!
  • We will continue to use this class webpage for the timetable and most links but may also continue to put any resources you might need in Google Classroom - we will carefully date and label them so you know which materials link to which task. 
  • We will be expecting you to complete all tasks, but will only be asking you to ‘hand in’ certain ones. It is important that you hand these tasks in on time to save us the job of having to chase you for them. Having to do that, isn't a good use of time. Don’t hand them in early either - if we give you five days to do a job - it means it needs five days to do it properly - not one!
  • We will make the work set for the week interesting but well explained so that with a little thought, you should be able to overcome any hurdles and problem solve for yourselves. We will not be able to answer lots of questions as quickly as we have been doing because we will be in school with groups of children from other year groups so if you do have a problem that you can’t solve yourself and that a parent can’t help with, you may have to be very patient. 
  • You will still be able to do the weekly check-in. 
  • Mrs Presswood and Mrs Woosnam are thinking carefully about how we can get our class together for some social time sessions - socially distanced of course - so you can all have a catch up and we can see you! They will be in touch soon!


Have a great week,

Love Mrs Draper and Mrs Gadd smiley


Learning Tasks Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 

Monday 8th June:  Inset day

Tuesday 9th June: Inset day

Wednesday 10th June 2020 


Reading: 20-30 minutes to yourself – write a summary of what you have read in your school work book. Ask a parent to check it and make sure they understand what has happened from your description. 


Spellings: Write out a sentence for your new spellings. New spelling list in Google Classroom. We will be asking you to test your knowledge of these words next Wednesday.


Maths: For the rest of this week we would like you to have a go at some activities on Mathletics - today we would like you to try the ones on ‘Position and Direction’. Spend around 30 minutes and see what you can do.


Topic: This week we are going to finish off our Space topic.

If you have any activities left on the grid from last half term, please spend time on one or more of them over the next 3 days. The grid is on Google Classroom.

If you have completed all of the tasks on the grid, here are some other activities that you can choose:

  • Find out about constellations. What are they and why were they devised? Why were they useful?  Recreate some constellations in creative ways (eg prick holes in black card or paper to represent different constellations, use stones/rocks/beads, use chalk…)
  • Find out about why we have day and night.
  • Find out about why we have seasons.
  • Find out about different stars.
  • Find out about space travel – space shuttles, rockets…
  • Design and make your own rocket. Can you make it travel?  How can you power it? Can you make it travel further?  How can you improve it?
  • Find out about the ISS (International Space Centre). What happens there? How was it built?  Who has been there? What is it like to live on the ISS?
  • Find out about different astronauts.
  • Find out about the first moon landing.


Some useful links:     - Seasons - Telescopes  - Rockets - Bitesize videos  - Bitesize activities


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:



Thursday 11th June 2020


Reading: 20-30 minutes to yourself – find the meanings of 5 unknown words - use a dictionary. Write the word definition in your book. Then, write a further five sentences to show you can use them. Eg:

Inquisitive: adjective: having or showing an interest in learning things; curious.

The children were inquisitive about the moon and what it may be like.


Spellings: Continue to practise your spellings.


Maths: Continue with your work on Mathletics - today we would like you to try the questions on ‘Statistics’. Spend around 30 minutes and see what you can do.


Topic: Continue with your Space activities.


Weekly check-in: for those children who have not been in school this week in Google Classroom.


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:

Friday 12th June 


Reading: 20 - 30 minutes to yourself, ask a parent to ask you five questions that really make you think. 


Spellings: Continue to practise your spellings.



Maths: Continue with your work on Mathletics. Also practise your tables on TTRockstars for 20 minutes.


Topic: Continue with your Space activities - today is the last day on Space as we will be moving on to our new topic next week!


Weekly check-in:  for those children who have not been in school this week in Google Classroom. Please complete this by today.


Additional Learning opportunities - optional but beneficial:



